level based hotspots/plugins method

  • I`d like a method to show/create plugins/hotspots based on levels in multiresolution images. The events.onviewchange is using too much memory to populate a gigapixel image with detail hotspots/plugins

    Typical usage scenario: Put plugin/hotspot info on 1000 houses in a gigapixel image of a city, which is only visible/created when zoomed in to a specified level. On a higher ( or is it correct to say lower? ) level there might be hotspot/plugins for streets/wards.

  • How are you using onviewchange? Do you perform the hotspot manipulation every time the event is triggered? You could try implementing your own minimum interval system, such as a timestamp with the time of the last check (onviewchange would first check if it's been more than X seconds since the last check before doing the heavy stuff) or a plugin that checks the FOV every X seconds and then does the hotspot adding and removal from within itself... Where X is for example 1 second.

  • I`m just worried about overusing it since Klaus gave a warning in release notes:



    • is called on every view change
    • note - this event should be used carefully, don't make "heavy" operations/changes here this events will be called every frame on moving

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