screentosphere not working on Safari but working on Mozilla

  • Above is a printscreen image where you can see both javascript consoles from Safari and FireFox.

    Following the examples from Krpano files I was using this way to retrieve mouse position with a method:


    getMousePosition: function() {
    var mousex = this.get('mouse.x');
    var mousey = this.get('mouse.y');
    var hvs = this.get('screentosphere(' + mousex + ',' + mousey + ')');
    var hva = hvs.split(',');
    var ath = Number.from(hva[0]);
    var atv = Number.from(hva[1]);
    var mouseposition = {
    x: mousex,
    y: mousey,
    ath: ath,
    atv: atv
    return mouseposition;

    As you can see in the image, at FireFox hvs returns the corresponding value (-53.13, -30.96) but at Safari it returns null.

    Any help with that? *confused*

  • Thanks to Klauss.

    So the method changed to something like this:

    getMousePosition: function() {'screentosphere(mouse.x, mouse.y, mouseath, mouseatv)');
    var mouseposition = {
    x: this.get('mouse.x'),
    y: this.get('mouse.y'),
    ath: this.get('mouseath'),
    atv: this.get('mouseatv')
    return mouseposition;

    and now it is working *thumbsup*

    Thanks again Klauss.

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