Good Reader help please. I am stuck with open pano.

  • Got Good Reader installed and transferred a demo. Everything just works perfect until you want to close it.
    You get stuck with it in fullscreen with no way out.

    They claim on the site that you should just tap at the centre but that does not help.


  • I finally got out of it after powering of the iPad at least 10 times I managed to click the file menu at start ing up Good Reader.

    But this is of course not an option you can bid a client.
    'There must be some better ways to solve this.

    I do not understand why it goes fullscreen automatically without any option to get back to menus.


  • Ok I solved the problem.

    Her is how.
    I made a simple html startpage with a start button linking to the KRPano html.
    In the xml file I added a back button which links back to the startpage with target set to _self.
    Like this

    When you return to the startpage you get access to the menu and can return to the Good Reader interface.


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