WARNING: loadpano busy. How to know if it's busy?

  • Hi, I'm making a navigation over the scenes in Flex. I've got several buttons that changes the sceens (actually that loads the xml: loadpano(...) )
    Problem is similar to this discussed here:
    wait between buttonpresses
    The solution suggested in the post above is to wait until onpreviewcomplete event dispatches. Unfortunatelly that does not work.
    After onpreviewcomplete occurs I click (fast) into another button and I get: WARNING: loadpano() is busy

    I've tried also to set up timer before loadstart:

    dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new LockerEvent(LockerEvent.LOCKED));
    _krpano.call( 'loadpano(' + _currentResource.url +', null, KEEPVIEW, BLEND(1))' );

    and then:

    private function _onLockerTimer(event:TimerEvent) : void
    if( _krpano.get('progress.loaddone'))
    _isLocked = false;
    dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new LockerEvent(LockerEvent.UNLOCKED));

    That does not work either.
    It would be great if krpano would dispatch the event every time it gets busy and every time it is ready to work. Is there any variable like that: isPanoBusy? It would be great if it is.
    Thanks for the great panorama viewer and for Your help about this topic.

  • I've noticed that when I remove BLEND(1):
    _krpano.call( 'loadpano(' + _currentResource.url +', null, KEEPVIEW' );
    Everythink works well. How can I know if is blending?

    On my app blending is very importent.

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