• Hey guys,
    Today I'm pleased to announce the availability of the newest beta version of SWFAddress plugin. It contains useful new features and bug fixes, so you shouldn't miss it!

    Since the last release I've got a lot of feedback and feature requests from the users of the plugin. The most of them were implemented in the new version.

    Here is a short list of improvements:

    • Compatibility improvements - the new version is compatible with the latest krpano viewer version (1.16+).
    • No more modes - plugin is now always works in automatic mode and allows you to add or remove pano children at runtime
    • The good old manual mode is still supported - just don't add any pano children
    • New URL shortening functionality - Bit.ly Plugin is now part of the SWFAddress Plugin. No additional plugins required.
    • All new codebase - both versions (Flash and HTML5) were rewritten from scratch and contain many bug fixes and improvements

    I've decided to release the beta version of the plugin so you could give it a try and tell me what you think about it! I would also appreciate your bug reports and feature requests.

    Get the updated version of the plugin at this page and don't forget to download and use updated files from the examples while I'm preparing documentation.

    I would also like to thank Klaus and all beta testers for their help.


  • Welcome back and thanx for the great news!

    Hey guys,
    Today I'm pleased to announce the availability of the newest beta version of SWFAddress plugin. It contains useful new features and bug fixes, so you shouldn't miss it!

    Since the last release I've got a lot of feedback and feature requests from the users of the plugin. The most of them were implemented in the new version

    I would also like to thank Klaus and all beta testers for their help.


    Best regards,
    Igor Socha

  • I tried on another computer (win7 64bit) and the same: chrome ok, opera&firefox not :(

    I also can't share on facebook in chrome on windows. But I can do it in my demo. Can you change facebook share text and title to default and check fb sharing again? it seems like there is a problem with your texts.
    Also, can we move our discussion to skype? Thanks.

  • Hey guys,
    I'd like to notify you that the new beta version of SWFAddress Plugin v1.3 is now available for download.

    SWFAddress Plugin v1.3 Beta 2

    The latest beta release includes bug fixes and improvements.

    Here is a short list:

    • Dynamic scenes example improvements - now it works properly on mobile devices
      One more view sharing option added - Pinterest
      Various small bug fixes and improvements

    I'd be glad if you could give it a try and tell me what you think about it!

    As usual, you can get the updated version at this page. Don't forget to use the latest files from the examples ZIP. Documentation coming soon!

    New plugin: Navigator

    Meet a nice little addition to flat panoramas - Navigator Plugin. It should help to quickly navigate the gigapixel images. Check out the demo.
    I would love to hear your thoughts about this plugin!

    Thanks for your attention and stay tuned for more!

    Best regards,

  • I like navigator very much!
    Will it be possible to adjust/change the way how it looks?

    Hey guys,

    New plugin: Navigator

    Meet a nice little addition to flat panoramas - Navigator Plugin. It should help to quickly navigate the gigapixel images. Check out the demo.
    I would love to hear your thoughts about this plugin!

    Thanks for your attention and stay tuned for more!

    Best regards,

    Best regards,
    Igor Socha

  • Hi jaydee!
    Thank you for update of SWFADDRESS!
    And very cool new Navigation plugin for flat panoramas! It's amazing and very usable!

    I think it is useful and necessary plug-in! Similarly, how to move around in the navigator window in Photoshop. You want to sell?
    When are you planning?

    Good luck!

    Panoreal — to make and see this wonderful world! *whistling*

  • Hello.
    I try to use your plugin with Autopanotour Pro. And it works well.
    I bought yesterday
    Unfortunately, I have intro-Little Planet. However, when I load the virtual tour with your plugin and with the normal address, the pano1 is automatically loaded, the effect disappears and the introduction page also. How do I?
    In advance thank you.

    Here is my site without your plugin for example:


    Sorry for my english

  • Hello.
    I try to use your plugin with Autopanotour Pro. And it works well.
    I bought yesterday
    Unfortunately, I have intro-Little Planet. However, when I load the virtual tour with your plugin and with the normal address, the pano1 is automatically loaded, the effect disappears and the introduction page also. How do I?
    In advance thank you.

    Here is my site without your plugin for example:


    Sorry for my english

    please contact me directly via email, I will try to help you. Also, you need to share your XML code with me so I can tell what's wrong with it.

  • Hi jaydee!
    Thank you for update of SWFADDRESS!
    And very cool new Navigation plugin for flat panoramas! It's amazing and very usable!

    I think it is useful and necessary plug-in! Similarly, how to move around in the navigator window in Photoshop. You want to sell?
    When are you planning?

    Good luck!

    Yeah, it will be avaiable at krpano website when it's done *smile*

  • Jaydee,

    I'm having a hard time setting up the plugin. Hoping you can help. I want to be able to share specific scenes from the facebook icon within the panorama. I'm not sure how to make this work. Everytime I share a specific panorama, the link goes to the first panorama in my tour. For example: Let's say you come to my website and browse through my 57 different panoramas. You find a panorama scene you really like and want to share it with your peeps on facebook. When you click on the facebook icon the bitly URL is sent to facebook with the correct URL of the panorama like this: http://bit.ly/12GG6v3 When you click on it, of course, the correct pano URL is placed into the address bar: http://www.virtualbigbend.com/krpano/#/Casa-…5.9861765319302 but then automatically changes to the original first Scene in my xml file: http://www.virtualbigbend.com/krpano/#/Emory-Peak/

    I don't get what I'm doing wrong or what setting I need to make. For convenience, I have posted my xml code:


    <krpano version="1.16.2" title="Virtual Big Bend" onstart="wait(0);startup();">     <include url="progress_loadinganimation.xml"/>	<include url="plugins/swfaddress.xml"/>	<plugin name="soundinterface" url="plugins/soundinterface.swf" alturl="plugins/soundinterface.js" rootpath="" preload="true" keep="true"/>	<plugin name="compass" url="images/compass.png" keep="true" zorder="5" children="false" align="righttop" x="10" y="10" scale="1.0" scalechildren="true" destscale="1.0" onclick="switch	(destscale,1.0,0.5);tween(scale,get(destscale));" heading="0"/>	<plugin name="compass_pointer" url="images/compass_pointer.png" keep="true" handcursor="false" parent="compass" zorder="5" align="center"/>	<plugin name="glass" devices="flash" url="images/glass.jpg" keep="true" enabled="false" blendmode="screen" alpha="0.5" parent="compass" zorder="6" align="center"/><!--  enable autorotation  -->	<autorotate enabled="true" waittime="3.0" accel="0.5" speed="3" horizon="0" tofov="100"/>	<events name="backbutton_adjust" onxmlcomplete="if(layer[backbutton], set(layer[backbutton].y,190));" />	<include url="skin/vtourskin2.xml" zorder="1"/>	<!-- set skin settings: bingmaps? gyro? -->	<skin_settings bingmaps="true"	               bingmaps_key="An4-9WoANqtASVorNezSjENest2VC0zoAzvMhEpdTjb3uY-k6u6bMkPxYpDsolsF"	               bingmaps_zoombuttons="false"	               gyro="true"	               thumbs_width="80" thumbs_height="80" thumbs_padding="10" thumbs_crop=""	               thumbs_opened="false"	               thumbs_text="true"	               thumbs_dragging="true"	               thumbs_onhoverscrolling="false"	               thumbs_scrollbuttons="true"	               thumbs_scrollindicator="false"	               tooltips_thumbs="false"	               tooltips_hotspots="false"	               tooltips_mapspots="false"	               controlbar_offset="20"	               />	<action name="startup">		if(startscene === null, copy(startscene,scene[0].name)); loadscene(get(startscene), null, MERGE);	</action>	<contextmenu fullscreen="true">	</contextmenu>	<action name="selectspot">		plugin[map].pantospot(%1);		plugin[map].activatespot(%1);	</action>	<style name="hotspotstyle" ondown="onover();" onup="onout();" onover="tween(alpha,1);tween(scale,1);" zoom="true" scale="0.6" onout="tween(alpha,0.3);tween(scale,0.6);" alpha="0.3" />
    	<scene name="scene1" title="Emory Peak" thumburl="spots/spot1.png" onstart="selectspot(scene1);" lat="29.247676" lng="-103.307675" heading="0.0">		<plugin name="mask" url="images/vignetting.png" blendmode="multiply" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" enabled="false" zorder="0"/>		<events onxmlcomplete="startup();" onviewchange="rotatecompasses();"/>		<events name="currentpano" onnewpano="playsound(bgsnd, 'music/1_Elevate.mp3|music/1_Elevate.ogg', 0);" onremovepano="stopsound(bgsnd);"/>		<plugin name="snd" url="images/soundonoff.png" align="lefttop" x="10" y="10" alpha="0.25" scale="0.5" onover="tween(alpha,1);" onout="tween(alpha,0.25);" crop="0|0|50|50" onloaded="if(ismobile,set(scale,1));" onclick="pausesoundtoggle(bgsnd); switch(crop, 0|0|50|50, 0|50|50|50);" zorder="7"/>		<plugin name="email_button"			url="images/email.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="75"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view via e-mail);"			onclick="share_via_email();"			/>	<plugin name="pinterest_button"			url="images/pinterest.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="115"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Pinterest);"			onclick="share_on_pinterest();"			/>	<plugin name="twitter_button"			url="images/twitter.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="155"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Twitter);"			onclick="share_on_twitter();"			/>	<plugin name="googleplus_button"			url="images/googleplus.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="195"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Google+);"			onclick="share_on_googleplus();"			/>	<plugin name="facebook_button"			url="images/facebook.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="235"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Facebook);"			onclick="share_on_facebook();"			/>	<action name="startup">		add_scenes_to_swfaddress();	</action>		<action name="startup">			set(heading, -10); action(add_compass_spots);		</action>		<action name="rotatecompasses">			sub(plugin[compass_pointer].rotate, view.hlookat, heading); sub(plugin[compass2_plate].rotate, heading, view.hlookat);		</action>		<events onxmlcomplete="startup();" onviewchange="rotatecompasses();"/>				<view fovmin="15" fovmax="100.00" hlookat="106.21" fov="90" vlookat="-27.31" />			<lensflare name="lf0" set="DEFAULT" ath="89.88" atv="-32.73" />		<preview url="p4n05/1_cubestrip.jpg" type="cubestrip" />		<image>			<cube url="p4n05/1_%s.jpg" />		</image>		<hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot2.png" ath="27.183" atv="5.960" name="spot2" onclick="looktohotspot(spot2); loadscene(scene2, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" />	</scene>	<scene name="scene2" title="Casa Grande Summit (Window View)" thumburl="spots/spot2.png" lat="29.268392" lng="-103.290285" heading="0.0" onstart="selectspot(scene2);">	<plugin name="mask" url="images/vignetting.png" blendmode="multiply" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" enabled="false" zorder="1"/>        <events name="currentpano" onnewpano="playsound(bgsnd, 'music/1_Elevate.mp3|music/1_Elevate.ogg', 0);" onremovepano="stopsound(bgsnd);"/>		<plugin name="snd" url="images/soundonoff.png" align="lefttop" x="10" y="10" alpha="0.25" scale="0.5" onover="tween(alpha,1);" onout="tween(alpha,0.25);" crop="0|0|50|50" onloaded="if(ismobile,set(scale,1));" onclick="pausesoundtoggle(bgsnd); switch(crop, 0|0|50|50, 0|50|50|50);" zorder="7"/>		<plugin name="email_button"			url="images/email.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="75"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view via e-mail);"			onclick="share_via_email();"			/>	<plugin name="pinterest_button"			url="images/pinterest.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="115"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Pinterest);"			onclick="share_on_pinterest();"			/>	<plugin name="twitter_button"			url="images/twitter.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="155"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Twitter);"			onclick="share_on_twitter();"			/>	<plugin name="googleplus_button"			url="images/googleplus.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="195"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Google+);"			onclick="share_on_googleplus();"			/>	<plugin name="facebook_button"			url="images/facebook.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="235"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Facebook);"			onclick="share_on_facebook();"			/>	<action name="startup">		add_scenes_to_swfaddress();	</action>		<action name="startup">			set(heading, 0); action(add_compass_spots);		</action>		<action name="rotatecompasses">			sub(plugin[compass_pointer].rotate, view.hlookat, heading); sub(plugin[compass2_plate].rotate, heading, view.hlookat);		</action>		<events onxmlcomplete="startup();" onviewchange="rotatecompasses();"/>			<view fovmin="15" fovmax="100" hlookat="-110.518" fov="72.096" vlookat="1.800" />		<preview url="p4n05/2_cubestrip.jpg" type="cubestrip" />		<image>			<cube url="p4n05/2_%s.jpg" />		</image>		<hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot1.png"  ath="-111.280" atv="-2.480" name="spot1" onclick="looktohotspot(spot1); loadscene(scene1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" />		<hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot3.png" ath="126.982" atv="-4.607" name="spot3" onclick="looktohotspot(spot3); loadscene(scene3, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" /><hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot4.png" ath="27.183" atv="5.960" name="spot4" onclick="looktohotspot(spot4); loadscene(scene4, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" />	</scene>	<scene name="scene3" title="Casa Grande Summit (Green Gulch View)" thumburl="spots/spot3.png" lat="29.268281" lng="-103.288511" heading="0.0" onstart="selectspot(scene3);">	<plugin name="mask" url="images/vignetting.png" blendmode="multiply" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" enabled="false" zorder="1"/>		<events name="currentpano" onnewpano="playsound(bgsnd, 'music/1_Elevate.mp3|music/1_Elevate.ogg', 0);" onremovepano="stopsound(bgsnd);"/>		<plugin name="snd" url="images/soundonoff.png" align="lefttop" x="10" y="10" alpha="0.25" scale="0.5" onover="tween(alpha,1);" onout="tween(alpha,0.25);" crop="0|0|50|50" onloaded="if(ismobile,set(scale,1));" onclick="pausesoundtoggle(bgsnd); switch(crop, 0|0|50|50, 0|50|50|50);" zorder="7"/>		<plugin name="email_button"			url="images/email.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="75"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view via e-mail);"			onclick="share_via_email();"			/>	<plugin name="pinterest_button"			url="images/pinterest.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="115"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Pinterest);"			onclick="share_on_pinterest();"			/>	<plugin name="twitter_button"			url="images/twitter.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="155"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Twitter);"			onclick="share_on_twitter();"			/>	<plugin name="googleplus_button"			url="images/googleplus.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="195"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Google+);"			onclick="share_on_googleplus();"			/>	<plugin name="facebook_button"			url="images/facebook.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="235"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Facebook);"			onclick="share_on_facebook();"			/>	<action name="startup">		add_scenes_to_swfaddress();	</action>		<action name="startup">			set(heading, 0); action(add_compass_spots);		</action>		<action name="rotatecompasses">			sub(plugin[compass_pointer].rotate, view.hlookat, heading); sub(plugin[compass2_plate].rotate, heading, view.hlookat);		</action>		<events onxmlcomplete="startup();" onviewchange="rotatecompasses();"/>	                <view fovmin="15" fovmax="100" hlookat="-174" fov="75" vlookat="5" />		<preview url="p4n05/3_cubestrip.jpg" type="cubestrip" />		<image>			<cube url="p4n05/3_%s.jpg" />		</image>		<hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot2.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot2" onclick="looktohotspot(spot2); loadscene(scene2, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" /><hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot4.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot4" onclick="looktohotspot(spot4); loadscene(scene4, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" />	</scene>	<scene name="scene4" title="Casa Grande Meadow" thumburl="spots/spot4.png" lat="29.268281" lng="-103.288586" heading="0.0" onstart="selectspot(scene4);">	<plugin name="mask" url="images/vignetting.png" blendmode="multiply" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" enabled="false" zorder="1"/>		<events name="currentpano" onnewpano="playsound(bgsnd, 'music/1_Elevate.mp3|music/1_Elevate.ogg', 0);" onremovepano="stopsound(bgsnd);"/>		<plugin name="snd" url="images/soundonoff.png" align="lefttop" x="10" y="10" alpha="0.25" scale="0.5" onover="tween(alpha,1);" onout="tween(alpha,0.25);" crop="0|0|50|50" onloaded="if(ismobile,set(scale,1));" onclick="pausesoundtoggle(bgsnd); switch(crop, 0|0|50|50, 0|50|50|50);" zorder="7"/>		<plugin name="email_button"			url="images/email.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="75"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view via e-mail);"			onclick="share_via_email();"			/>	<plugin name="pinterest_button"			url="images/pinterest.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="115"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Pinterest);"			onclick="share_on_pinterest();"			/>	<plugin name="twitter_button"			url="images/twitter.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="155"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Twitter);"			onclick="share_on_twitter();"			/>	<plugin name="googleplus_button"			url="images/googleplus.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="195"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Google+);"			onclick="share_on_googleplus();"			/>	<plugin name="facebook_button"			url="images/facebook.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="235"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Facebook);"			onclick="share_on_facebook();"			/>	<action name="startup">		add_scenes_to_swfaddress();	</action>		<action name="startup">			set(heading, 0); action(add_compass_spots);		</action>		<action name="rotatecompasses">			sub(plugin[compass_pointer].rotate, view.hlookat, heading); sub(plugin[compass2_plate].rotate, heading, view.hlookat);		</action>		<events onxmlcomplete="startup();" onviewchange="rotatecompasses();"/>	                <view fovmin="15" fovmax="100" hlookat="-174" fov="75" vlookat="5" />		<preview url="p4n05/4_cubestrip.jpg" type="cubestrip" />		<image>			<cube url="p4n05/4_%s.jpg" />		</image>		<hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot2.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot2" onclick="looktohotspot(spot2); loadscene(scene2, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" /><hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot1.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot1" onclick="looktohotspot(spot1); loadscene(scene1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" /><hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot3.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot3" onclick="looktohotspot(spot3); loadscene(scene3, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" /><hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot5.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot5" onclick="looktohotspot(spot5); loadscene(scene5, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" />	</scene>	<scene name="scene5" title="Casa Grande Summit" thumburl="spots/spot5.png" lat="29.267458" lng="-103.287615" heading="0.0" onstart="selectspot(scene5);">	<plugin name="mask" url="images/vignetting.png" blendmode="multiply" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="100%" enabled="false" zorder="1"/>		<events name="currentpano" onnewpano="playsound(bgsnd, 'music/1_Elevate.mp3|music/1_Elevate.ogg', 0);" onremovepano="stopsound(bgsnd);"/>		<plugin name="snd" url="images/soundonoff.png" align="lefttop" x="10" y="10" alpha="0.25" scale="0.5" onover="tween(alpha,1);" onout="tween(alpha,0.25);" crop="0|0|50|50" onloaded="if(ismobile,set(scale,1));" onclick="pausesoundtoggle(bgsnd); switch(crop, 0|0|50|50, 0|50|50|50);" zorder="7"/>		<plugin name="email_button"			url="images/email.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="75"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view via e-mail);"			onclick="share_via_email();"			/>	<plugin name="pinterest_button"			url="images/pinterest.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="115"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Pinterest);"			onclick="share_on_pinterest();"			/>	<plugin name="twitter_button"			url="images/twitter.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="155"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Twitter);"			onclick="share_on_twitter();"			/>	<plugin name="googleplus_button"			url="images/googleplus.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="195"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Google+);"			onclick="share_on_googleplus();"			/>	<plugin name="facebook_button"			url="images/facebook.png"			align="bottomright"			x="10"			y="235"			altonloaded="if(isphone, mul(x,2); mul(y,2); mul(scale,2));"			onhover="showtext(Share this view on Facebook);"			onclick="share_on_facebook();"			/>	<action name="startup">		add_scenes_to_swfaddress();	</action>		<action name="startup">			set(heading, 0); action(add_compass_spots);		</action>		<action name="rotatecompasses">			sub(plugin[compass_pointer].rotate, view.hlookat, heading); sub(plugin[compass2_plate].rotate, heading, view.hlookat);		</action>		<events onxmlcomplete="startup();" onviewchange="rotatecompasses();"/>	                <view fovmin="15" fovmax="100" hlookat="-174" fov="75" vlookat="5" />		<preview url="p4n05/5_cubestrip.jpg" type="cubestrip" />		<image>			<cube url="p4n05/5_%s.jpg" />		</image>		<hotspot style="hotspotstyle" url="spots/spot1.png" ath="0" atv="0" name="spot1" onclick="looktohotspot(spot1); loadscene(scene1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));" /> 			</scene>


    I'm new to Krpano, so my coding may be a bit redundant, perhaps even wrong. Sorry. The tour is in testing phase right now, so it's not ready for public view yet. thanks

  • UPDATE: Ok, by eliminating this:

    <action name="startup">
    		 if(startscene === null, copy(startscene,scene[0].name)); (get(startscene), null, MERGE);

    from my tour.xml file, the links seem to work great now. However, now I'm having other issues.....now I'm getting error messages:

    ERROR: no parent "skin_thumb_null" found


    Edited 2 times, last by 360Dave (May 20, 2013 at 9:39 PM).

  • I'm so dang confused now, I don't even know which end is up anymore......So, eventhough my links work now, many of my plugins are now missing, such as my vignette, my social network icons, my audio control button, all gone.

    anyone care to help, I'd be much obliged......

    my testing stage.....





    I've managed to get the addresses to work properly and still have the plugins visible, but I'm still getting this annoying error message regarding "no parent "skin_thumb_null" found"

    I'm sure this is something that can be easily fixed by someone who knows what they're doing.


    Now everything seems to be working ok, no error messages. I don't get it.

    Edited 3 times, last by 360Dave (May 20, 2013 at 10:38 PM).

  • Hey there, good to hear that you solved your problems. Next time you can ask me directly (email or skype) and I will try to help you asap.
    Most of your mistakes are very common and described in the troubleshooting section in docs.

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