• Hi there,

    Very nice plugin!!

    I use it on my new project and i have some questions:

    First, sometimes the onHover effect doesn't appear and we cannot click on the thumbs, it also does this on the demo included ine the plugin package, anyone ever experienced this?

    Second, i'm using this piece of code to set the thumbnails in the area between logo on top left and icons on top right :

    but, everytime i click on a thumbnail, the thumbs are repositionned and the centering of the menu moves. i think i want to avoid repositionning after a click on a thumb, but what to modify?


  • Hi! rebaj83
    first -
    yes this bug apear after krpano update,
    to fix it:
    find and change set(plugin[get(bgname)].zorder,0);
    to set(plugin[get(bgname)].zorder,-1);
    - in thumbsbase.xml

    second -
    soory, but in yuor tour all works fine, i can't understand what is wrong. *confused*

    BTW - about scrollbar, try set "valueto" attribute as (height of textfield substract visible area height)

    PS - I'll update download package.

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Thanks Andrey, that corrected the bug!

    The problem is, when you see the tour with a big screen (24" for example), the width of the whole thumbnails area is wider than all thumbs together.

    So when you click on a thumb, they move to right.

    I don't know, i think you need to view the tour with a wide screen, you will see it obviously.

    I don't understant very much the valueto parameter, as my textfield changes html on every pano, so height changes too with autosize i think, what should i put then for valueto?


  • Hello!
    Ok, i see what is wrong and found the bug.
    To fix it
    find this in thumbnails_moveat action
    mul(tempvar, get(thumbnails[%1].bar_maxd), get(thumbnails[%1].movepos) );
    and add this, after
    if(tempvar GT 0, set(tempvar,0); );

    as result
    mul(tempvar, get(thumbnails[%1].bar_maxd), get(thumbnails[%1].movepos) );
    if(tempvar GT 0, set(tempvar,0); );

    It must help.
    If you want i can send you corrected xml file.
    ShareIt package will be update

    PS - thanks for feadback

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Hi Andrey,
    Since I created a template to use your plugin (old version), I haven't had need to check on "how to use it" lately. So when I updated the plugin, and updated my krpano version to .14, and tried the autothumbsadd, it didn't work. Maybe I just forgot how to use it, but I was wondering if you have an updated autothumbsadd?

  • Hi!
    If you want to centerbottom thumbs align then you must set size of thumbs.
    For example - thumbnails has 5 thumbs with width 50 and 5 spacing, then thubnails size must be 5x6 + 5x50 = 280.
    and set edge="btoom" align="bottom". In this case thumbs will be in bottom center.
    Hope i understand right.

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Hi there, how can I change the tn (tn1 tn2 tn3..) urls on actions ? I search to add an action like onclick="set(thumbnails[thumbs1].thumb[tn1].url,thumbs/thumb5.jpg);" but is not working!

    Thank you

  • Hi!
    You can add thumbs manualy, and set onclick in simple plugin.
    But if you want to change url after thumbs added then you need small trick....
    build thumbs create thumb plugins automaticaly and name of some thumb will be
    name - is thumbnails name (thumbs1 for example)
    n - is a number of thumb (counted from 0)
    So you can get access directly to a thumb plugin.

    Hope it help
    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Hi, it wortks well thank you! could I automate this? I dont know but something like set(plugin[thumbs1_thumb_%1].url,thumbs/thumb%1.jpg) to automatically change the thumbs urls? ex: thumbs1_thumb_0 with thumb0.jpg ; thumbs1_thumb_1 with thumb1.jpg ..and so on?

    Thank you for your plugin and your great assistance! *thumbup*

  • Yes, you can change attributes in a "for" loop.
    for(set(i,0), i LT thumbnails[thumbs1].thumb.count, inc(i),


    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Hi,
    I ran into a minor problem. Is it possible to set the over image of the current thumb from one of my two thumb bars to false?
    I have two thumbnail bars showing some of my panoramas of my tour in one and the rest in the other bar. When you walk through the tour i either set thumbnails_current(1thumbs,2); or thumbnails_current(2thumbs,0);. But when I take a look at the two bars, both panoramas (#3 of the 1st set and #1 of the 2nd set) are set to be current. Is it possible to remove the current status of thumbs in one bar? Setting it to nothing or something greater than the number of actual images won't work. *confused*
    Other than that everything's working great!

    Thanks in advance,

    "Warum sind denn da alle Linien so krumm?!"


  • Hi!
    There is no build in action for change thumb state from current to normal

    So, Little trick - folowing code:

    ifnot(plugin[get(thumbnails[thumbnailsName].thumb_current)].current === null,

    Hope it help

    Andrey *thumbup*

  • Hi Andrey!

    I'm not quite sure how to implement your snippet. When should I call this? And how do I control which current thumbnail of those two I have will be disabled?

    Thanks for your fast reply!

    "Warum sind denn da alle Linien so krumm?!"


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