How to declare variables?

  • Hello, I declare the variable as varnadirlogo and carry it in the url?

    var varnadirlogo="logo_chao.png"
    		<hotspot name="nadirlogo"	         url=varnadirlogo	         ath="0"	         atv="90"	         distorted="true"	         scale="1.0"	         rotate="0.0"	         rotatewithview="true"	        onhover="showtext(Entre no Site);"	        onclick="openurl(,_blank);"
  • Thanks for the help friend, this would be the right command


    Still not what I want but for now it serves.
    What I really want and create an xml file with all entries like:

    logo1 = "logo.jpg"
    seta1 = "001.jpg"
    seta2 = "002.jpg"

  • in xml everything needs to go in a tag.
    No idea what your trying to do, but I would create an action tag and use set as suggested.

    <action name="variables">

    Then you must run the action.

    Or you can make a new tag for arrays etc.
    <data name="variable1">content</data>
    and build your arrays there.

  • or you create your own xml tag, for instance:

    So there are some different options, using arrays, setting global variables or reading out certain object (data or plugin) :)

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