Config file for please

  • We have in the tools a droplet for making cubestrip preview but there is no config file for it.
    It is very much needed so that you can create and control them as you want.

    For some odd reasons Krpano uses strips in a format that can not be created with Pano2VR or othewr tools I k now.


  • Hi,

    okay, I will add a .config for it,

    if you want you can already change it settings by either editing the droplet in the Apple Script Editor on Mac,
    or in Windows by editing the Droplet batch file directly,
    or by calling the kmakepreview tools from command-line/terminal,

    the settings of the tools are documented here:


    For some odd reasons Krpano uses strips in a format that can not be created with Pano2VR or othewr tools I k now.

    what kind of preview format do you mean?

    krpano supports 1x6, 2x3, 3x2, 6x1 cubestrip panos (the foramt will be autodetected),
    and in the flash version also spherical (not recommended),
    the strip order can be defined by the striporder setting,

    best regards,

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