x, y coordinates of any point of the pano

  • hi Sachagriffin,

    Image a 360º aplication of one soccer game. I wanna tag my photo with facebook connect, but i need save the coordinates in pano image, do you understund now?


  • Hi,

    I'm not quite sure if this is what you are looking for...

    Add a hotspot that covers your photo and then add a onclick event to the hotspot.


    point[0].ath = "0"
    point[0].atv = "0"
    point[1].ath = "10"
    point[1].atv = "0"
    point[2].ath = "10"
    point[2].atv = "10"
    point[3].ath = "0"
    point[3].atv = "10"
    onclick=function() { //your code }; >

    Change the atv and ath points so that it covers your photo.


  • Hi Zarillo,

    Thaks for your answer, but i can´t use hotspots! Think there´s a PanoImage can you click in a tree for example and then i wanna save these especific coordinates. Do you understund?

    best regards

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