bug with krpano 1.14 js version with PNG?

  • Hi I have a onclick action on a background image. The jpg version works fine, while the png version gets centered weird, and doesnt trigger the onclick...


    align="topleft"  keep="true" visible="false" enabled="true" handcursor="true"
    url="%SWFPATH%/images/letter-background.jpg" x="0" y="0" zorder="127" height="2000" width="2000"
     alpha="0.80" onhover="showtext('close the video', tooltip_style)" />

    doesnt work:

    align="topleft"  keep="true" visible="false" enabled="true" handcursor="true"
    url="%SWFPATH%/images/letter-background.png" x="0" y="0" zorder="127" height="2000" width="2000"
     alpha="0.80" onhover="showtext('close the video', tooltip_style)" />
  • Hi,

    it's a strange scaling bug in iOS 4 (with iOS 5 it is already fixed),

    in krpano I'm using CSS scaling instead of HTML scaling in more situations (which is faster because hardware-accelerated), but on iOS 4 devices the scaling has a strange bug - when the source width or height of the image that should be scaled is an odd-number then the scaling is wrong, and when it's an even-number then right,

    e.g. images with 1x1, 3x3, 5x5 ... will scale wrong (on iOS4), but images with 2x2, 4x4, 6x6 ... okay,

    I will release soon an update where this situation will be automatically detected and then the CSS scaling disabled for that image,

    a simple and quick workaround would just using a 2x2 image instead of an 1x1 image, but 100x100 will also work because its a even-number sized image,

    best regards,

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