krpano version not taking the bgcolor parameter

  • I downloaded the latest version of krpano and upon trying to embed it with the following code:

    The actual embedded version seems not to be taking the bgcolor parameter (in my case #FFFFFF) and always defaults to loading from black. Could this be a bug in the new version? When I go back to the previous release I have full control of that parameter.


  • I have the following code inside the start.xml (the following code loads from white)

    <krpano onstart="loadpano(%SWFPATH%/assets/panos/dundurn/dn-56-south-lawn.xml,null,KEEPBASE);">

    When I try to add blending (even with NOBLEND) the pano loads in from black no matter what the bgcolor is set to:

    <krpano onstart="loadpano(%SWFPATH%/assets/panos/dundurn/dn-56-south-lawn.xml,null,KEEPBASE,NOBLEND);">

    or this:

    <krpano onstart="loadpano(%SWFPATH%/assets/panos/dundurn/dn-56-south-lawn.xml,null,KEEPBASE,BLEND(0.5));">

    so it seems like the blending is faulty, or is it supposed to work like that? The previous version of krpano behaves differently.


  • Hi,

    right, blending is a bit different now, but this was necessary to be able to blend 'anytime' (also on start),

    when blending a kind of 'screenshot' will be taken from current pano screen (and when nothing is there this screenshot will be black, the flashplayer background behind the viewer was not captured here and I think that's unfortunately also not possible here),

    you could use the xml bgcolor setting - with that setting krpano draws an own background (the flashplayer background itself is not changeable by dynamic code), and this background can/will be also used for blending,


    <krpano bgcolor="0xFFFFFF" ... >

    best regards,

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