How to implement an email form in text field.

  • I created an button and i put it in leftbottom... when i click on it i want to open a box with an email form... to send an email for a specific email adress.

    I tried with the box in the example here : . but we did...

    I try to implement this code:

    <script type="text/javascript">	var flashvars = {};	var params = {		menu: "false",		quality: "high",		scale: "noscale",		salign: "tl",		wmode: "window",		bgcolor: "#ffffff",		allowscriptaccess: "always"	};	var attributes = {id:"flashcontent"};	swfobject.embedSWF("contact_form.swf", "flashcontent", "410", "230", "9", false, flashvars, params, attributes);</script>

    If i make an html form with redirection on contact.php, will go? *confused*

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