Pano size in internet explorer do not fit 100%

  • Hello,
    I try to get a simple html page with an html menu on the top and the pano for the rest of the screen.
    I build a table with the Top row for the html menu and the second row to embed the pano.

    It works perfectly with chrome, firefox, safari but not with Internet explorer.

    If i ASK height=100%, internet explorer use more than the 100% available. Other browser use perfect 100% available on the screen.
    See example here:

    In IE, my bottom navigation bar isn't visible *sad*

    Any Idea how to fix this in IE ?


  • OK.
    While finding a better solution, i've made this:

    <!--[if IE]><div id="pano" style="width:100%; height:92%;"><![endif]-->
    <![if !IE]><div id="pano" style="width:100%; height:100%;"><![endif]>

    If browser is IE, height = 92 % and 100% for other browsers.

    If you have other idea, you are welcome *wink*


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