swf hotspot problems

  • Hello, is the first time I write in this forum.

    I am a beginner and are not a programmer, but I can learn from you at least the first steps.

    I inserted a fhotspot sfw but when I click it I were, "swf" disappears.

    The "swf" is a book written with browsable InDesign is a simple "swf".

    The "swf" opens but if I interact with him, he disappears.

    What should I change? Can you help me please? Hotspot xml:

    <!--************** Hotspot e riflessi **********************************************************************************************************-->
    <hotspot name="spot0" onclick="closeglobalobjects();closeallobjects();set(plugin[spot0object].visible,true);tween(plugin[spot0object].alpha, 1);" url="unodata/graphics/spots/spot0.jpg" distorted="true" ath="-157.316" atv="18.0043" width="34" height="56" rx="-59.4466" ry="-48.3081" rz="-53.0231"/>
    <plugin name="spot0object" visible="false" url="unodata/graphics/spots/object0.swf" align="center" alpha="0" onclick="closeglobalobjects();tween(alpha, 0);delayedcall(0.5,set(visible,false));" width="600" height="400"/>
    <action name="hidepanospotsaction">
    set(hotspot[spot0].visible, false);</action>
    <action name="showpanospotsaction">
    set(hotspot[spot0].visible, true);</action>
    <!-- chiudi tutti gli hotspot -->
    <action name="closeallobjects">set(plugin[spot0object].alpha, 0);set(plugin[spot0object].visible,false);</action>

    Greetings, Galatea

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