• Hi,

    I'd like to use the syntax Klaus used in his last release index.html example, to lead an iphone, ipad, tablet, ipod, android request on a different xml.
    I can't check if it works without appropriate devices. Could someone tell me if it's correct? Specially with devices names, it appears that iPhone take a "P" instead of usual "p", what about the others?

    Thank you. *smile*

  • Hi,

    when you want to do that, you need to use the 'createPanoViewer' function instead the 'embedpano' function,

    var viewer = createPanoViewer({swf:"tour.swf", xml:"tour.xml", target:"pano"});
    if( viewer.isDevice("iPhone|iPod|Android|iPad|Tablet") )
      viewer.addVariable("xml", "mobile.xml");

    best regards,

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