iPad 3 (aka 3rd generation iPad) Crashing When Changing Hotspot Styles

  • Hi there,

    Please forgive me if a similar problem is located elsewhere on the forum, I tried searching but didn't find such a problem...

    Here's my issue: I have a panoramic with a large number of image hotspots (63-126) and everything works great on the iPad 2. However, when we started testing on the iPad 3, Safari will crash after a varied amount of time. The hotspots are set up in this way: 63 of them are always visible and set up with onclick events. The onclick events for these 63 hotspots trigger the remaining hotspots to become visible. I've tried both setting the actual visible attribute of those hotspots, as well as loading a style with the visible attribute set to true. Both of these methods cause the iPad 3 to crash. When I take out any code that changes the visible state of the hotspots, the iPad 3 no longer seems to crash (I've limited testing to about 15 minutes, so it's possible it would crash given longer usage times).

    Is there anything that I'm doing wrong? I understand Safari is having some rather serious memory issues that cause crashing to happen frequently. I have another very similar panoramic set up that doesn't appear to crash for the iPad 3 either, however. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm attaching the XML file of the panoramic that is causing the iPad 3 to crash.


    The current attached file attempts to make hotspots visible by using this type of a statement:
    Where style is defined as:
    <style name="show-glow" visible="true"></style>

    However, I've also tried simply doing:
    set(hotspot[hs-glowing-1].visible, true);

    Which produces the same crashing result.

  • Agreed about the loadstyle, but I was just trying every possible combination of things to get it stable for the iPad3. Along with the loadstyle approach, I tried changing the code so that it uses the following:

    set(hotspot[hs-glowing-1].visible, true);

    But that also caused the iPad 3 to crash. All the crash reports from Safari state low memory. I'm at a loss as to what is going wrong - I suppose it could just be something with Safari but I'm not really in charge of when Apple releases updates. Thanks for the reply, I'll try switching to the form you suggested in that other thread.

  • Nevermind about this issue, looks like it had something to do another person's script that was running on the page as well. Sorry for the false alarm, was just confused since it always crashed while clicking on a hotspot.

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