hlookat min and max?

  • It would really help to have a graphic on just how these and the different modes work. The options plugin seems to be of little use here for determining settings since it reports the position with 360 numbers, while the hlookatmin and max are limited to -+180.

    Would be nice if the options plugin corresponded to these :)



  • Hi,


    It would really help to have a graphic on just how these and the different modes work.

    I'm not good at making such graphics but I will try .


    In the 'range' limitview modes the whole field of view needs to be withhin the range from hlookatmin to hlookatmax and the in lookto mode only the looking direction itself is limited.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks for ultra fast reply and content Klaus,

    It has helped a bit. Perhaps I'm just a bit dense on this, but I'm finding results using numbers greater than 180. I used this and it has produced a almost 270 degree horizontal view.

    These seems to be contrary to the documentation. So, what am I missing?

    hlookatmax="285" hlookatmin="10"

    Best Regards,


  • Maybe you are missing that:

    • A partial pano will be displayed 'centered'.
    • That means the partial pano has a range is from -hfov/2 to +hfov/2 and -vfov/2 to +vfov/2.
    • For partial pano with 200x90 this would be e.g. hlookatmin=-100 hlookatmax=+100 vlookatmin=-45 vlookatmax=+45.

    Best regards,

  • I'm actually using a full 360, but the client wants limits in it. There are in a sense different views from the same image. For one view the clients wants about 120 degrees of so and for the other view they want about 270 degrees. I've got it working just fine, but I'm still confused why the 280 is being accepted. Is it just being bypassed?



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