Multi levels in iPad and iPhone

  • Dear,

    I really need help to resolve this issue.

    I need that when creating a tour Multires, with six levels or more, this tour can be viewed on iPhone and iPad.

    What do I do?

    This is the code generated:

    <scene name="scene_vista" title="vista" onstart="" thumburl="panos/vista.tiles/thumb.jpg" devices="flash">

    <view hlookat="0" vlookat="0" fovtype="MFOV" fov="90" maxpixelzoom="2.0" fovmin="60" fovmax="120" limitview="auto" />

    <preview url="panos/vista.tiles/preview.jpg" />

    <image type="CYLINDER" hfov="178.03" multires="true" tilesize="721" progressive="true">
    <level tiledimagewidth="215426" tiledimageheight="36436">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l6_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="107713" tiledimageheight="18218">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l5_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="53857" tiledimageheight="9109">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l4_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="26929" tiledimageheight="4555">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l3_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="13465" tiledimageheight="2278">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l2_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="6733" tiledimageheight="1139">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />



    I changed the devices for "all" but I get an error.

    <scene name="scene_vista" title="vista" onstart="" thumburl="panos/vista.tiles/thumb.jpg" devices="all">

    No iPhone/iPad/HTML5 images avaliable!

    I really need to work on the iPad.

    What do I need?

  • I tried doing it the way described below, but the error remains.

    <level tiledimagewidth="13465" tiledimageheight="2278">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l2_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <level tiledimagewidth="6733" tiledimageheight="1139">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />

    I have to do something like that?

  • So it works, but the image gets in the form cube not form at cylindrical

    <level tiledimagewidth="6733" tiledimageheight="1139">
    <cylinder url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <cube url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />
    <cube url="panos/vista.tiles/l1_%0v%0h.jpg" />

  • In the documentation I posted a link to there is
    "Only cubical panoramic images are supported at the moment!"

    You have to convert your cylinders to cubical format.
    Your syntax for your mobile and tablet image is for multiresolution tiles.
    Again NO multiresolution for idevices.

    Use the droplets that came with krpano. All this is done for you. If you start with spherical images it will just work.
    If you go through the examples that came with krpano you can see how the syntax works.

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