• I have "lost" my original files and now need to produce the full cylindrical image from the tiles, there are approx. 1,500 tiles.
    Is there an easy way to Re-assemble the image from the tiles ?
    Or am I stuck with manually building the image back up in Photoshop Layers?

  • Thanks, this "looks" like what I am after, BUT having tried to follow this many times I always end up with
    "ERROR: invalid or bad argument:" followed by the path to the file that is 3rd from the last file of the input tiles.

    I created a droplet by editing the Make Pano (Flat) droplet, changing kmakemultires to kmaketiles, and creating a config file which points to my xml script file which reads


    <krpano version="1.0.8">

    kmaketiles l4_%00v_%00h.jpg retiled.tif 0 -insize=93395x11485 -intilesize=873 -inindexbase=1


    I need a complete idiots walk through guide to doing this, can you point me to a full step by step guide to this?

    I am not really sure what I should be doing with this.

  • Hi,

    you need to call the kmaketiles tool manually from command line!
    No xml or droplet or config involved


    1. start the command line (cmd.exe)
    2. go to the folder of the krpano tools (cd /path/)
    3. call the kmaketiles tool and use absolute paths to the images:

      kmaketiles c:\pano\tiles_%v_%h.jpg c:\pano\merged.tif 0 ...


    1. start the Terminal
    2. go to the folder of the krpano tools (cd /path/)
    3. call the kmaketiles tool and use absolute paths to the images:

      ./kmaketiles /pano/tiles_%v_%h.jpg /pano/merged.tif 0 ...

    best regards,

  • Hi Klaus, I could not get this to work on the Mac, I followed your instructions but I keep getting an error - from Terminal Window OSX 10.6.8

    jeff-starleys-iMac:krpanotools jeffstarley$ ./kmaketiles /LiverpoolFromHopeStHotel.tiles l4_%00v_%00h.jpg /pano/merged.tif 0 -insize=93395x11485 -intilesize=873
    ERROR: invalid or bad argument: 0

    I then tried it on Windows 7, again following your instructions - SUCCESS !!!

    I do not know what is wrong in my Mac Terminal syntax, can you see where I have gone wrong? it is driving me crazy, it should be so simple.


  • Hi,

    a blank/space is the separator of the arguments!

    so when the filename contains blanks (like in your case the blank between "tiles" and "l4_.."), the whole filename must be placed inside quotes, to let the operating system pass that filename as one argument,

    ./kmaketiles "/LiverpoolFromHopeStHotel.tiles l4_%00v_%00h.jpg" /pano/merged.tif 0 -insize=93395x11485 -intilesize=873

    best regards,

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