Blocking element on html5 viewer

  • I upgraded to the latest version, and something is blocking user interaction.. on the ipad its the whole screen and desktop safari it's the left side.

    I assume this is something related to text fields, but I removeplugin(everything) and it still exists.

    This is the blocking html
    <div style="height: 100%; font-size: 12px; font-family: Times; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 1000px; "><div style=""><div style="margin:2px 2px 2px 2px;"></div></div></div>

    will continue digging....

    related to
    <plugin name="text_desc" url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/textfield.swf" html="" x="140" y="20" width="1000" autoheight="true" selectable="false" background="false" borderwidth="0" align="lefttop" zorder="2" enabled="false" keep="true" alpha="0" visible="true" tag="nav" />

    interesting to note that this is enabled="false" and removeplugin has no effect.
    Removed the offending plugin, perhaps autoheight fails with no html specified.
    YUP, this is exactly what the problem is.

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