what are the mres_* directory after running kmakemultires

  • My OS is OS X Lion. I tried the mac version of krpanotools 32bit download. I've set converttocube to true
    after running kmakemultires, I saw mres_b,f,l,r,u,d directories in the tiles directory. The files seem to be duplicate of the tiles right under the tiles directory:

    $ ls panorama.tiles/
    l1_b_1_1.jpg l2_b_2_2.jpg l2_l_1_1.jpg l2_u_1_2.jpg mres_b tablet_f.jpg
    l1_d_1_1.jpg l2_d_1_1.jpg l2_l_1_2.jpg l2_u_2_1.jpg mres_d tablet_l.jpg
    l1_f_1_1.jpg l2_d_1_2.jpg l2_l_2_1.jpg l2_u_2_2.jpg mres_f tablet_r.jpg
    l1_l_1_1.jpg l2_d_2_1.jpg l2_l_2_2.jpg mobile_b.jpg mres_l tablet_u.jpg
    l1_r_1_1.jpg l2_d_2_2.jpg l2_r_1_1.jpg mobile_d.jpg mres_r thumb.jpg
    l1_u_1_1.jpg l2_f_1_1.jpg l2_r_1_2.jpg mobile_f.jpg mres_u
    l2_b_1_1.jpg l2_f_1_2.jpg l2_r_2_1.jpg mobile_l.jpg preview.jpg
    l2_b_1_2.jpg l2_f_2_1.jpg l2_r_2_2.jpg mobile_r.jpg tablet_b.jpg
    l2_b_2_1.jpg l2_f_2_2.jpg l2_u_1_1.jpg mobile_u.jpg tablet_d.jpg

    My question is why do I have these mres_* directory? Is there a way to not creating them?

  • Hi,

    the 'mres_*' folders where defined in the 'multires.config' here:


    it looks like that your 'panorama.tiles' folder and the files inside it, were already there from a previous pano, that was build with an older version,

    try deleting the 'panorama.tiles' folder, and run your 'panorama' image again,

    best regards,

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