Can not see the interface of virtual tour in HTML5

  • I have downloaded the last version of KRpanoTools and made a Virtualtour Multires (I have bought Panotools and Iphone support).
    It's all OK in flash but when I try it in Safari PC and Ipod touch there is no interface.
    There is a trick?


  • Do you mean you can see the panorama but not the interface elements that you added to your xml templates?

    I found with mine that I had to redo some of the xml to make it work for mobile, you can see here the things that are not supported.

    I added this to my html (although I am still trying to figure out how to inject it w/ a template) It will send the mobile device to one xml and everything else to your standard xml for flash player.

    And then I re-wrote my plugin xml, not sure what I changed that made it work, but you could base yours on what I got to work.

    Hope this helps, if not I am sure there are other people here who know more than me about this that could help you.

  • Hi, thanks, very confused.
    Yes the interface, are the icon and image preview on top of the pano.

    If you see this tutorial…player_embedded the tour works with the standard interface in flash and putting html5=prefer in the url (minute 4.33) works in html5 in Chrome.

    If I try in Chrome PC I get stramge cube effect, I see the cube face of the pano.
    In safari PC and ipod it loads but not interface.

    Here the link of the tour:



  • Hi,

    your are using the HTML5 viewer but you need to use the one!
    Press the 'O' button in the viewer to see the version.

    You may have copied the krpanoiphone.js file (this is the krpano HTML5 viewer) from an old version to the new folder...

    Best regards,

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