Area overlay for map

  • My client would like to be able to have an overlay on the map which marks the border of his very large Manor.

    I done a test and added a transparent png with a border like this

    <layer name="skin_map" state="hidden" url="" flash_url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/bingmaps.swf" html5_url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/bingmaps.js" visible="false" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="50%" x="0" y="0" lat="55.679840354308725" lng="11.839534692382798" bgalpha="0" maptype="satellite" scrollwheel="true" dbclicking="false" onmapready="skin_addmapspots();" zoom="14" >

    <spot name="area" url="area.png" zoomwithmap="true" edge="center" lat="55.679840354308725" lng="11.839534692382798" />

    To my surprise it works . My spots seems to be above it and works fine. However it does not zoom with the map.
    The zoomwithmap="true" is something I took from the radar options but there is no such function for the spots.

    Klaus can this be done.


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