Working Android test devices list

  • Hi there,

    I need to port an iPad app which uses HTML5 krpano to Android. The idea is to call krpano JS scripts in an Android WebView and to find a way to interact between Java code and JS code.

    The problem is that on the krpano website they say that "The CSS 3D transforms support in the Android system browsers is still a bit unreliable and unpredictable at the moment. Even with the same Android version there can be rendering differences between different Android devices."

    So my question is: is there a way to get a short list of mobile and tablet devices on which krpano guys guarantee that their HTML5 library perfectly works and is stable?

    What about the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 and the Google Nexus 7 for instance?

    Many thanks in advance and congrats for the great work! *wink*

  • Same issue here. I have a fallback solution with three.js (take a look at fisheye demo) It is MIT Licence but it would be great if this can be solved. Also a flash version may work for android, but less and less android devices have it installed and it is not a viable solution for production

  • Hi,

    So my question is: is there a way to get a short list of mobile and tablet devices on which krpano guys guarantee that their HTML5 library perfectly works and is stable?

    Sorry, but that's not possible of course!
    Should I buy and test every available Android device?! (btw - I have already too many of them ...)

    Also note - there are also different Android versions and different Browsers available for each device...!

    Best regards,

  • Hi Klaus,

    Should I buy and test every available Android device?! (btw - I have already too many of them ...)

    Of course you should not! *wink*

    I saw the list of the Android test devices on your website, and, indeed, from this list that would be very interesting to know on which krpano perfectly works (and with which Android version) and on which it doesn't.

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