Area map limits in bing maps plugins

  • Hi!
    Is there the possibility to define area map limits in bingmaps plugin?
    I would like to visualize only a map zone, and have zoom and pans limit values;
    Maybe i can use the onmapmoved="" onmapzoomed="" functions with the actions code with setzoom(zoom)
    zoomin zoomout panby panto with "if"…but i'm a beginner and it's a little bit difficult for me to write the right code..

    Does anyone know of any way around this?
    Thanks so much.


  • Hi,
    i'm not be able to set a specific work map area in Bing Map with zoom and pan max-min level.
    The fovmin, fovmax and maxpixelzoom attributes define the maximum and minimum pixel zoom factor only for the pano image…

    Any suggestion?


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