Scenename as Text over Thumbnail images

  • Is it possible to add an extra layer with text to each thumbnail image with the scene name (of the linked scene)?

    *confused*We need this for HTML5 and Flash.

    I have yet not seen any sample to this, the showtext function seems to be working only in Flash but not HTML5.

  • Hi,

    Maybe this can get you further.

    I added this layer to put text in the "strap" opening the thumbaray like in this panotour.…irtualtour.html
    My plan is to build another layer in the same way to add text below the thumbs and call for the the panoramaname or just add text manually but i am not sure it is the right way to do but it works fine on ipad to..
    However i needed to add - parent="strap" and use all the latest plugins and scripts. I also remover the arrow that is there as a standard: The files i am working on is rendered from Panotour Pro.

    REMOVED<!-- <plugin name="strapArrow" keep="true" parent="strap" zorder="0" url="virtualtourdata/graphics/arrow.png" align="center" edge="center" capture="false" enabled="false" rotate="0"/> -->

    <plugin name="strap" keep="true" zorder="0" url="virtualtourdata/graphics/strap.png" parent="thumbArray" alpha="0.9" align="top" edge="left" rotate="-90" handcursor="true" onover="slide_action_in"/>

    <layer name="text" url="plugin/textfield.swf" keep="true" parent="strap" rotate="90" zorder="0" edge="center" align="center" children="false" autoheight="false" enabled="false" vcenter="true" background="false" backgroundalpha="1.0" border="false" bordercolor="0x000000" borderalpha="1.0" borderwidth="1.0" roundedge="0" shadow="0.0" shadowrange="4.0" shadowangle="45" shadowcolor="0x000000" shadowalpha="1.0" alpha="0.9" textshadow="0.01" textshadowrange="4.0" textshadowangle="45" textshadowcolor="0x000000" textshadowalpha="0.6"
    html="Våra rum"
    css="text-align:center; color:#FFFFFF; font-family:Levenim MT;" />

    Maybe someone else have a better solution... i would also like to know:)

    Hope this helps

    Best regards - Stefan

  • Thanks for your answer Stefan and nice panorama by the way. The strap thing is great, though not what I need but maybe you are right and one can add a textfield to each thumb inside the thumb array ...

  • Thanks for the comments about the pano;) I am setting up a new interface to demo for a perhaps client with those images i took many years ago:) I am very new to krpano but i love it really:)
    Check this link ... and scroll down to Improved Viewer (XML Interface / Layout)
    That should do it or maybe i understood wrong about what you trying to achieve. I will try this anyway to get text below the thumbs:)

    Btw the layer i have made works fine in both flash and html5 on iPad - have not tested on computer and html5 yet.. have you?


    Best regards - Stefan

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to add an extra layer with text to each thumbnail image with the scene name (of the linked scene)?

    yes of course - pretty simple!

    e.g. first add a <style> for the texts anywhere in the vtourskin.xml:

    and then modify/extend the 'skin_addthumbs' action in the vtourskin.xml to create dynamically the texts,
    e.g. add this code add: (red = exsiting code, green = new code to add)

    set(layer[get(thumbname)].onhover, showtext(get(scene[get(linkedscene)].title),SKIN_TOOLTIPS); );
    set(layer[get(thumbtext)].keep, true);
    set(layer[get(thumbtext)].parent, get(thumbname));
    set(layer[get(thumbtext)].html, get(scene[get(i)].title));

    e.g. here an demo:

    and here links to the modified xml files: (mods: thumbs opend at start + automatic closing) (mods: thumbs style + script for adding the texts)

    Best regards,

  • It has to do with the autoheight setting which seems to disable the text output on HTML5 completely (or sets the height to 0) - if I set the height manually, let's say to "20" it will work and look the same.

    Edited once, last by McTristan (November 22, 2012 at 11:25 AM).

  • Hi,

    thanks for the note!
    I noticed that in the meantime too... sometimes it works in HTML5 and sometimes not (in my first tests on iPad it was always working...) - it seems to be strange kind of timing problem - in the next krpano release it should be corrected.

    Best regards,

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