• A central driven plugin holder for projects. You could take approach of plugins developed by krpano experts.
    Example: many have asked about Social Tags Plugin, and although they're out there, they might be expensive for small or personal projects, these might need advanced knowledge of database/php/javascript/krpano and other stuff, which makes great panos out there to miss it. I've written Social Tagging code for Facebook, Twitter and recently added Google+ social networks.
    I've made other plugins for other stuff too ;)

    I also know you miss Google Maps plugin since they deprecated Flash, so you moved to Bing maps. Know what? I haven't because I already used my own javascript code for Google mapping and connect it to Krpano as well. So it could be taken back to Krpano playyard ;)

    And so on... I have many ideas I'd like others to test.



    Best regards,
    Igor Socha

  • Hi everyone,
    have you seen lattest updates for krpano viewer? they're awesome.

    And hey, no, I haven't forgotten the promise I made and the idea one day was born deep in my mind: easying panoramic tours creation and help people learn better.

    The designer who was helping me left but, after working with him for a while I learned a few things and something nice happened and...well, A NEW START.

    We have finally a LOGO:

    The first logos that my friends made for me were nice but were all about cameras or lenses, and the message I wanted to give with DePanorama wasn't there, that was my feeling.
    Then I said, hey I might be able to do it!
    Then opened inkscape, placed a predefined shape, a 3d cube, played with it a little and by accident ungrouped it and moved aside one of it's faces and...that was it!
    The message, the meaning, the idea...was just that.

    And the slogan came with it too :P
    "DePanorama :: Demystifying the cube, one face at a time"

    And we also have a landing page now and a demo live editor trying to explain the new ideas that has come lately.

    Try the Editor!

    Try it without any promise yet, neither is necessary for you to register now since this is an early launching.

    But please, give feedback, keep telling me what you think. (In fact, that's why you will find the contact form in more than one place, because feedback is very important to me)


    Edited once, last by ciul (June 13, 2013 at 8:53 PM).

  • Great start, Louise!

    PS: But why to connect to FB account? Not choice? ;)

    Hi Arsdezi,
    well, in fact at first stage I had considered Twitter and Google+ apis as well since I already have experience with those apis for panoramic tagging. So it wasn't big deal.

    But then I realized there are some drawbacks that made me return to only FB api.
    Main drawback was that I couldn't figure out how to recognize one user account signed up with between different social networks.

    I mean, I couldn't know that the person for Facebook account of luis, is the same person for luiscarlosjayk in Twitter, or Google+, remaining in possible duplicated accounts for same person but with different social networks. Something undesirable. I promise that if I found a way or someone shows me a way to solve this, I will implement it as long as it doesn't harm everything else.

    After that, choice was easy for which one to choose. I didn't mean you to remember another username/password and having to upload and keep updated your profile photo, and else. So, since Facebook is the social network with higher user's quantity and it's api allows for more social interaction, then, that was it.

    I grab your name, and facebook user id so I your profile photo is the same than your facebook profile photo through http://graph.facebook.com/{your_facebook_user_id}/picture
    And you don't have to remember another password, I just implement Facebook login.

    OK, after explaning all that just for sake of being transparent with everyone, I have to say that I am very excited.

    I work on localhost of course before uploading changes, and a registered user will be able to create/edit/delete/embed his own projects using the SmartEditor very similar to the one you see at the live section.
    See everyone else projects and learn in the process.
    You will find too Tutorials I will create with code examples and videotutorials (screen capturing).

    Ah and embedding has special features, like you could embed only the code editor, or only the tour, or you could embed the smarteditor whole (code editor plus tour with buttons and else).
    This is intended to improve a lot the sharing experience here in forums, since it shall be a better way to embed krpano code and work together.

    In fact, I found a way so you will be able leave special types of comments with tooltips and popover windows, better than just <!-- --> inside the code :D
    Also, SmartEditor will have great enhancements, like creating krpano nodes just by filling forms. And more!

    I am really excited, I'm currently working alone in this so that's why it takes me time to finish the starting point that is:
    - users creating/editting/embed projects
    - tutorials
    - blog with news

    For now, please, please be patient, and please please, send feedback. That just makes it better.


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