Error when attempting to test kmakemultires.exe

  • Error when attempting to test kmakemultires.exe to make tour. If I set xml=true or html=true I get an error similar to the following.

    ERROR: unable to load html template: multires.configtemplates/html/swfkrpano_embedded_krpanojs.html

    Modifying htmltemplate from the default did not help. Tried adding space to front. Full path.

    If I disable xml and html the tiles images get generated.


  • The htmltemplate is set correctly. The path and file are correct. The file opened in notepad.

    Is it possible to create a output files with the demo version?

    D:\source\krpano>"c:\Program Files\krpanotools\kmakemultires.exe" -config=multires.config *.jpg

    kmakemultires - 64bit (build 2012-10-05)
    - using config: multires.config

    Output: Flash=yes(demo) HTML5=yes(demo)

    ERROR: unable to load html template: "D:/source/krpano/templates/html/swfkrpano_embedded_krpanojs.html"

    D:\source\krpano>notepad D:/source/krpano/templates/html/swfkrpano_embedded_krpanojs.html

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