JavaScript Not Being Executed from Krpano - Google Analytics

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to track various Krpano events via Google Analytics. I created an action to call a JavaScript wrapper function...

    <action name="googleanalytics">
    		js( if(googleAnalytics != '' && googleAnalytics.Enabled == true) { googleAnalytics.Track(%1, %2, %3); } );

    ...this does not work. I also tried calling Google Analytics directly...

    <action name="googleanalytics">
    		trace("%0: category=", %1, ", property=", %2, ", label=", %3);
    		js( _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'click', 'nav', 'up', , true]); );

    ... this does not work either.

    In both cases the JavaScript is not being executed. Does anyone know why or has anyone integrated Krpano with Google Analytics?

    Thanks in advance,


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