• Hello there,

    1- Does krpano throws exceptions to javascript side? How can I catch krpano's exceptions from javascript (chrome/firefox console doesn't show any error or exception)
    2- Is it possible to crop some part of the panorama image and paste it into html 5 canvas?
    3- Is it possible to put "double click" event on hotspots? In documentation I could see on click on hover etc but double click is not possible?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    1- Does krpano throws exceptions to javascript side? How can I catch krpano's exceptions from javascript (chrome/firefox console doesn't show any error or exception)

    No, krpano doesn't throw any exceptions.

    2- Is it possible to crop some part of the panorama image and paste it into html 5 canvas?

    I'm not fully sure what you mean but the answer is no - there are no functions to draw into a html5 canvas.

    3- Is it possible to put "double click" event on hotspots? In documentation I could see on click on hover etc but double click is not possible?

    Double-click events are currently not supported.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you for the answers,
    For question 2, the only part for me is cropping some part of of the panorama main image and save it or hold to somewhere, canvas is not so important.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    in Flash this would be possible (see e.g. this plugin) but in HTML5 with CSS3D it's not possible to make 'screenshots' from html elements (with WebGL it might be possible, but there are currently no interfaces from krpano for that).

    Best regards,

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