krpano doesn't close on internet explorer 8 and above.

  • This is an issue in one of our live sites,

    On the tour page, under IE8 or above, click the tour and the panoramic displays in a popup overlay. when you click the close button, the button and borders disappear but it takes several seconds before the panoramic view closes. We're not getting the same issue with other browsers (tried Firefox, Chrome, Safari and a variety of mobile devices). It does close eventually but it looks pretty awful for a while until it finally shuts down. Doesn't appear to be a loading issue (i.e. waiting for the data to load) because even if you wait for a couple of minutes before clicking close the issue still happens.

    this is the code for the div:
    <div id="container"> <div id="panoDIV" style="height:100%;"> <script> embedpano({target:"panoDIV",swf:"virtualtour.swf"}); </script> <noscript> <div id="tour"> <object width="100%" height="100%"> <embed src="/360views/360-1/virtualtour.swf" width="100%" height="100%" allowFullScreen="true"></embed> </object> </div> </noscript> </div> </div>

    Any ideas?

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