Error when using placeholders like %HTMLPATH% inside Bingmap Plugin XML on my iphone4S

  • Hi,

    I tried to find a thread about this issue but I couldn't find any.
    I guess it comes from JavaScript environment..

    I am using the typical vtourskin.xml. The only I have changed is that I have
    added placeholder "%SWFPATH%" to every single url. No problem when viewing
    on Flash but errors have shown when viewing on my iphone4S.

    The errors came from the two parts: ("skin_mapspot.png" and "skin_mapspotactive.png")

    <layer name="skin_map" state="closed" url="" flash_url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/bingmaps.swf" html5_url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/bingmaps.js" visible="false" align="lefttop" width="100%" height="50%" x="0" y="0" zorder="1" lat="0" lng="0" zoom="10" bgalpha="0" maptype="satellite" onmapready="skin_addmapspots();">		<maptypecontrol visible="true" align="righttop" x="5" y="5" buttonalign="v" />		<radar visible="false" headingoffset="0" />		<spotstyle name="DEFAULT" url="%HTMLPATH%/gui/skin_mapspot.png" activeurl="%HTMLPATH%/gui/skin_mapspotactive.png" edge="bottom" x="-5" y="-8" scale="0.5" />		<layer name="skin_map_zoom_in"  style="skin_base" visible="false" crop="9|512|46|64"  align="right" x="0" y="-40" zorder="2" ondown="layer[skin_map].zoomin();  skin_buttonglow(get(name));" onup="skin_buttonglow(null);" />		<layer name="skin_map_zoom_out" style="skin_base" visible="false" crop="73|512|46|64" align="right" x="0" y="+40" zorder="2" ondown="layer[skin_map].zoomout(); skin_buttonglow(get(name));" onup="skin_buttonglow(null);" />	</layer>

    I have tried both "%SWFPATH" and "%HTMLPATH%" but both gave me the same error.


    ERROR: plugin[skin_map] loading error: ./xml/%HTMLPATH%/gui/skin_mapspot.png


    ERROR: plugin[skin_map] loading error: ./xml/%HTMLPATH%/gui/skin_mapspotactive.png

    So I have changed the url like "../gui/skin_mapspot.png" and it works fine.
    But I still want to use placeholders for these layers.

    Is this a bug or am I not allowed to use placeholders for bing map plugin for JS?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Best Regards,

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