Most likely a cache issue. Visit your tour.swf in the browser directly and refresh or rename then with version numbers appended and your html.. or clear cache.

krpano 1.17 (Pre Release)
Thanks, sachagriffin, all is fine, solved
Hi there,
i have a really strange behaviour of the krpanotools makpano command line on Mac 10.8
each time i run the command line to make a multires pano , suddently my workspace disk is full (even if it was 20GB free!)
free space decrease till 0 octets are available.
when i reboot it comes back to 20GB free.
i think there's a serious bug here Klaus. i've been testing 1.17 for almost a week, and this problem occurs only when i use the command line tool
best regards
I have the same issue when using make pano normal droplet -
I updated some panos to 1.17pre but I got and upside down pano on screen and it is blurring on Samsung Galaxy Android 4.1.2. Before update everything was working fine with 1.16.9. I'm using Make Pano Normal Droplet.
I fallback everything to 1.16.9 but I can not use the Branding Free (txt registration code) that I bought cause it only works on 1.17 krpano tools. So I will need the binary Brandfree license file to use it with 1.16.9 until 1.17pre is fixed. I also checked your below demo and it is having the same malfunction on Samsung Galaxy…/sanctuarie.xml
ThanksJAN 1
I clean up cache from Mobile but i'm still having the issue. It was working fine with 1.16.9 and w/ the default browser. Chrome is not working and Firefox is showing jerky
Tks -
looks like options
renamedswf=falsehave no effect, renamed swf still in output folder
These settings are not supported anymore, because the licenses always need to be embedded now.
i have a really strange behaviour of the krpanotools makpano command line on Mac 10.8
each time i run the command line to make a multires pano , suddently my workspace disk is full (even if it was 20GB free!)
free space decrease till 0 octets are available.
when i reboot it comes back to 20GB free.That sounds really strange, krpano is basically only using the standard file I/O operations... That means there are no Mac specific syscalls related to diskspace or memory management which could explain such behavior...
Do the krpano tools stop working due no free disk space in your case?
How do you measure the free disk space in your case?Best regards,
Klaus -
I have also the problem that when i encrypt with command line that i get an error "parsing failed"
un-encrypted it works.
i changed the name of the index.html to check on cache.. and i did empty it several times.
Also on firefox, that had never seen this url, i get the error..what can i do ?
are you sure that the xml files were encrypted a in html5 compatible mode?
e.g. when opening the encrypted xml files - is there an <encrypted> xml element?
Best regards,
Klaus -
well it looks like:
CodeKRPE],£®é |\êx»˜â¦Dt FîŽì¼N¦ø#·Î_ íäÈ¡œ™dÐ\ð@ò| ?¿]ˆ¢(?)º¡²›:¹±üJ¤?ªk3±Æ<C+Ü—o×@!%}´@x¼BoëŠÙ3cb›J —±'ò kh‡•4nµÝ\¶ÇšM$"«s¯NËŠVnoØÓ«†¾6‘ÁÀK}&‹‰—£\v¢ZÿGny›ñBé´)'ŽÉÌç‰wΆ"É}–+ú€¹þS¡´e‡^|ìÄ[p÷mȬÃGKFj&ì›Ê®ß¤ °[Ë_OÇ/ôGÁ³²šÐX±.®yœîµã¨—ÌQÚŠÚ™Æd£É¬'ÈÔÆög8—ŠŸ0ÛýiŸbwK"^Ûã@7ÑÁë!d„1yö¥S•®Xÿí±ä+é2ˆÚµšåˆ»¢”Þ–µøã!¤ñîù~¢Yî‚Ìvl¥º_ô ZL|çý§ÄmBüïDNš»´×¦³CítŒ¡€Ä€Y%’ùù+γƛbÏ4¢Á࢖wEø8ÝWîm_ºÁÁíø'.N,~šçkÙòÃÈ:9Þ'B2L ¦ÿ«wµã%é_!cqŽ_p6×\%4³{á¸øœ>1O1m\€>4]aïA@A‡úNŧ¥ïw¹XÞ:rIëÒ4(ï6s¯îIeѵÁPƒ«×Hµ“Üfýts§Æ¨cy[Œèjª¢•˜ý“,{<†fŠ:Њ''Ýîì—xÎÐÃ4F¦´<¶Ý½Õ•ß9ú„>‘tvsJ¤¸ã8n›¢÷QbØlV–a<îö[#p|i§Í¹]Cí‰Nϧè&&ºæãxǨˆ]ì1Ð;j@R1P£ô¾®·KP$ïm*w¶ávžõæ¿<Ä•ök>œÃ[LH9¡~E(мOkyÂáú¿g?”J37¿TÀ<—¿só m¢Äo“Ï)p@ª±åc®OtËøDäÕLŽ÷IÖ1jRU Ëš5
i put this i my terminal:
Code'/Applications/krpano-1.17/krpanotools' encrypt -in='/Users/tuurtje/Sites/VirtualTuur/VT/rsg/code/tour.xml' -out='/Users/tuurtje/Sites/VirtualTuur/VT/rsg/code/tour-enk.xml'
That's the old Flash-only encryption.
Add the -h5 setting to the encrypt call.
I think I will probably change the default settings and let the tool use the html5-compatible encryption by default
that's it!
can't wait for the protect tool to be fully back again.
Thanks Klaus!
many thanks for the pre-release! I prefer HTML5 over flash for some reasons and found something odd with mutlires and partial cylindrical panos. Now, HTML5 isn't supported for that yet as per the pre-release announcement:HTML5 Multiresolution is available for Cubical and Flat panos
(a special Partial pano support, without the need of 'extended' images, will come in later versions).
It seems html5=prefer does not handle that yet. It works fine with flash, but html5=prefer doesn't fall back to flash even if html5 isn't supported for that type of pano.
That said, do you plan to add html5 support for multi-resolution cylindrical panos ? Couldn't find an answer to that in the forum.
-Torsten -
It seems html5=prefer does not handle that yet. It works fine with flash, but html5=prefer doesn't fall back to flash even if html5 isn't supported for that type of pano.
The Flash or HTML5 viewer embedding is done before loading the pano itself. That means the embedding script itself doesn't know what kind of pano image later eventually might be got loaded in the viewer. The html5=prefer means to prefer HTML5 when the SYSTEM supports it, but that setting doesn't relate to the content itself.
That said, do you plan to add html5 support for multi-resolution cylindrical panos ? Couldn't find an answer to that in the forum.
Yes, support for partial panos (and so also partial cylindrical panos) is already in the work, but will probably first come in 1.18.
Best regards,
Klaus -
That's the old Flash-only encryption.
Add the -h5 setting to the encrypt call.
I think I will probably change the default settings and let the tool use the html5-compatible encryption by default
I have the same problem like Tuur had.I use the parametr -h5 and still can not start tour - parsing failed. When not encrypted , tour work s well.
This is my parametr line:
E:\\krpanotools67.exe kencrypt -h5 -rn vtourskinCUSTOMBUTTONS.xml -
The same problem for me, but only flash on desktop and only online, locally works
QuoteI use the parametr -h5 and still can not start tour - parsing failed. When not encrypted , tour work s well.
This is my parametr line:
E:\\krpanotools67.exe kencrypt -h5 -rn vtourskinCUSTOMBUTTONS.xmlThere is a small bug when the '-rn' setting will be used - in this case the tool will first rename the input file by adding '.original' to the original name and then start the encrypting - and here the problem - the encryption tool is looking for the file extension to decide which encryption mode to use - e.g. the html5-compatible encryption for .xml and .js files and the binary Flash-only encryption for all other files - and due the '.original' file extension it is using the binary Flash-only encryption.
That means use the -in=### and -out=### syntax as in the examples in the previous posts,
e.g.That bug will be fixed in the next release, then also the html5-compatible encryption will be used by default.
The same problem for me, but only flash on desktop and only online, locally works
What problem do you mean?
Best regards,
Klaus -
I created file *.bat, for encrypt my xml.
Drag and drop the desired files on this droplet.
creates a backup file and encrypted -
Thank you Klaus.
Yes, I used then only -h5 parametr and after that I renamed file manualy.
marty -
I here some people say that there are crash problems with IOS7 and the multires. I hope this can be solved in some way. I haver not upgraded yet to IOS 7 but I am afraid now of using it for clients.
iOS7 is unfortunately generally much more in-stable than iOS6, that's not related directly to krpano. Just google for 'iOS7 crash' to find several reports and discussions about that.
The most iOS7 crashes and issues seems to be related to the memory usage and the bad iOS7 memory management.
From krpano side I would say that almost everything is already done to reduce the memory usage as much as possible, but I'm still trying to find improvements of course.
Form users-side I would recommend to keep an eye on the amount of content on the page - e.g. specially when using big images on top of the pano or on the html page.
A way to control/limit the memory usage for the multires tiles is the memory.maxmem setting (which is already pretty low for iOS devices): regards,
Klaus -
there is a new krpano 1.17 release available: is mostly a bugfix release but contains also some new features and improvements.
The most important bug-fixes in this version are:
- On Windows files larger than 4 GB were wrongly skipped.
- On Mac the tools were 'endless hanging' when trying to create a multires pano which needs more than ~240 tiles in width.
- In IE10 / IE11 the CORS support was missing.
- And in some older Android Chrome versions and some Android Samsung browsers the multitouch controls were not working correctly.
New features are:
- A new ENCRYPT XML droplet for easily encrypting xml files.
- The encrypted xml files can be compressed now to make them smaller and faster to load (already enabled by default in the new ENCRYPT XML droplet).
- The scrollarea plugin supports the usage of the mouse wheel for scrolling.
For information about all changes, please see the release notes here: regards,
Klaus -
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