Rotate pano as the navigation direction

  • Hi, how i can rotare the orientation of the pano when i navigate in it?

    I have 4 pano: garden, door, hall, room

    I have oriented it from garden to room, but when i go from room to garden, i see all the pano oriented not in the direction that i'm walking, but in the default orientation, what i have to do for to have a solution like google street view, or boogle busines photos?


  • Hi!
    Read the response from Klaus! *tongue*
    And I explain to you, because I'm generous today! *g*

    And see documentation,
    lookat(atH, atV, fov*)
    Look at this panorama position.

    • atH
      Horizontal position in degrees, spherical coordinates (-180 to +180).
    • atV
      Vertical position in degrees, spherical coordinates (-90 to +90).
    • fov (optionally)
      The new field of view in degrees (0 - 179).

    loadpano(pano.xml); or loadscene(scene_name);
    lookat(45.1, -20.2, 110.0);

    If you use standart vtourskin file in your tour, standart hotspot code and etc., see action for onclick in scene:
    <!-- place your scene hotspots here -->
    <hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-27.931" atv="5.787" linkedscene="scene_entrance" />

    Open vtourskin.xml and look to style for all hotspots:
    <style name="skin_hotspotstyle" url="hotspot-arrow.png" scale="0.60" edge="top" oy="0" distorted="false"
    crop="0|0|128|128" ondowncrop="128|0|128|128" onovercrop="128|0|128|128"
    onclick="if(linkedscene, skin_hidetooltips(); tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); looktohotspot(); loadscene(get(linkedscene),null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); skin_updatescroll(); );"
    onloaded="if(skin_settings.tooltips_hotspots, if(linkedscene, copy(tooltip,scene[get(linkedscene)].title); loadstyle(skin_tooltips); ));"

    When the scene is loadedit is displayed with the parameters that are specified in the view:
    <view hlookat="66.851" vlookat="0.484" fov="109.0" fovtype="MFOV"....

    If you want use your parameters for different direction from hotspots when scene is onload, must be deleted line in hotspotstyle or create new hotspotstyle without: onclick="if(linkedscene,.......
    And put manual your parametrs in each hotspot onclick action in scenes, like this:
    <!-- place your scene hotspots here -->
    <hotspot name="spot1" style="skin_hotspotstyle" ath="-27.931" atv="5.787"

    onclick="skin_hidetooltips(); tween(scale,0.25,0.5); tween(oy,-20,0.5); tween(alpha,0,0.5); looktohotspot(); loadscene(scene_name),null,MERGE,BLEND(1)); lookat(-135,0,82); skin_updatescroll();"/>

    Good luck! *thumbup*

    Panoreal — to make and see this wonderful world! *whistling*

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