Hi, I'm using 1and1 right now but they have a limit in number of files wich is 262 000...
I always (and love) use the multi-res feature from Krpano wich is brilliant but wich generates a very big number of files for each panorama, so now I reached the 262 000 limit on my host !
Do you know a host wich doesn't have this limit, and not too expensive, something like 15€/month is allright, 30 is too expensive !
Thanx for your feadback !

Wich Host do you use ?
Hello Jeromebg
I have the same problem. I have 1+1 as provider and I am close to 262.000 files (they call it filequota). Even with another contract the filequota would not raise, unless you buy an extremly expensive contract.
Do you have a solution, e.g. another provider, in the meantime?
Hi Ewald,
Yes, I now use infomaniak.com, no filequota with them !!! -
Thanks, jeromebg.
amazon web services S3 is ideal for hosting krpano multi-res and 360° video content, no inode file limits etc, free trial period, and dirt cheap after that
here is a tutorial i set up for proper configuration of s3 for hosting krpano (also kolor panotour, pano2vr etc) content
Hello I am using hostens
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