here a pre-release of next krpano 1.19 version - this version will be the first one with direct build-in Virtual Reality and Stereoscopic 3D support.
But before going into technical details, try the krpano VR demonstration below.
With these new features and possibilities, the krpano VR support should be a pretty good overall solution for experiencing panoramic images and videos in VR on the web. VR can be really a great added value to panoramic imaging.
Have fun with it!
Best regards,
here a pre-release of next krpano 1.19 version - this version will be the first one with direct build-in Virtual Reality and Stereoscopic 3D support.
But before going into technical details, try the krpano VR demonstration below.
UPDATE - there are newer versions available:
First prepare your system / device for VR
Desktop / Oculus RiftFor using the Oculus Rift DK1 or DK2 with krpano, it would be necessary to use a web browser that supports WebVR. WebVR itself is a new and still experimental browser API and not included in the normal browsers versions yet. There are special builds of Chrome and Firefox with WebVR support available here:
- Chrome - Chromium WebVR Builds
Firefox - MozVR Downloads
Mobile devices with VR-Headsets (Cardboard, GearVR, VR ONE, ...)Basically any Android, iOS or Windows-Phone mobile device with a VR-Headsets would work but there are a few requirements:
- The mobile device / browser needs to support WebGL.
- The device needs to have accelerometer and gyroscope sensors.
- And the device should be pretty powerful / high-end and have a good large screen. The faster the device, the larger the screen and the higher the resolution the better it is for VR.
This way also a big thanks to Brandon Jones (Chrome developer) and to
Vlad Vukicevic (Firefox developer) for their work on WebVR and bringing VR to the web!
krpano VR Demo
krpano 1.19 Pre-Release VR Demonstration:
- The demo includes normal panos, stereoscopic 3d panos and a panoramic video.
- The navigation is done via 3d hotspots by looking at them for some time.
- For mobile VR usage there is a setup menu (webvr.xml) included to change interactively the IPD (interpupillary distance),
the screen size (if the detecting wasn't possible) and the lens parameters of the used VR-headset (including some presets).
Here screenshots of that menu on different devices with different VR-headsets: - Note - this example has a FAKE VR support enabled to allow testing VR also on desktop and tablet systems which normally wouldn't have VR support.
- A reduced example (fewer panos, shorter lower-res video) is included in the download package (in the folder 'viewer/examples/webvr/').
Testing video:
krpano 1.19 with an Oculus Rift DK2
Technical Details
WebVR Plugin
- The krpano VR support will be available via the new WebVR Plugin.
- Just including the WebVR plugin and a 'VR button' would be already enough to add VR support to any pano or tour.
- The WebVR plugin handles everything related to VR support. On desktop system it detects and provides the WebVR API to krpano and on mobile devices it does the device detection, the lens distortion and the sensor tracking.
To be able to provide and good and accurate head-tracking also on mobile devices the WebVR plugin has a new and very advanced accelerometer
and gyroscope sensor tracking.
The plugin uses the newer 'devicemotion' browser events for getting almost raw sensor data from the system.
The accelerometer will be used for stabilizing/leveling the tilt and roll of the device (by using the gravity acceleration) and the gyroscope
for intermediate relative device rotations and the horizontal panning. Together with interpolation and extrapolation of the sensor data (the sensor events
and the rendering are happening at different time intervals) it is possible to get a fast, responsive, accurate and smooth movement.
Addtionally this works almost equally the same on all devices/browsers - Android Chrome/Opera, Android Firefox, iOS and Windows Phone.
⇒ Gyro2 Plugin- The new sensor tracking is additionally also available as seperate new Gyro 2 Plugin (but with different sensor interpolation/extrapolation settings by default than the WebVR plugin).
- Here a side-by-side comparison of the old and new gyro plugin: Gyro vs Gyro2.
A very important aspect of the VR support for mobile devices is the correct physically-sized rendering.
The distance between the eyes (the IPD) and the
size of the VR-headset and its lens is given and fixed, the rendering itself must adapt to this and be
independent of the screen size and the resolution of the device.
But as there is no Web API available for getting the physical screen size of a mobile device, the WebVR plugin
needs to do a device detection to find the correct size.
The different iPhone devices can be detected easily by their properties, but on Android or Windows Phone
it is necessary to know the size from somewhere else. The WebVR plugin therefore has an internal list of
several device user-agents and their screen sizes (the list can be extended on request).
When the device and screen size will be unknown, the WebVR plugin
will call the onunknowndevice event - in this case
the user should be asked for the screen size of the device.
Here different sized devices with the same sized rendering: - To avoid that the user needs to set his IPD, the VR headset settings (and if necessary the device screen) every time again when reloading the pano or when viewing an other pano or other page, the WebVR plugin provides the possibility to store (and load) the VR related settings locally on the device inside the browsers HTML5 localstorage. This will work also cross-domain for other webpages. That means after changing and saving the settings once, they will be automatically available on all further panos/pages (regardless if on the krpano page or your own one).
Some tested VR headsets:
Stereoscopic 3D Support
Stereoscopic image support (input side):
<image ... stereo="true" stereolabels="1|2">
<cube url="pano_%s_%t.jpg" />
- The
placeholder will resolve to the "stereolabels" values. - The right image will be only loaded when stereoscopic rendering is enabled.
- The
Sphere/Cylinder: (image or video)
<image ... stereo="true" stereoformat="TB">
<sphere url="plugin:video" />
- The "stereoformat" settings defines the left/right frame-packing:
- stereoformat="TB" - Top/Bottom (the default)
- stereoformat="SBS" - Side-By-Side
Stereoscopic rendering support (output side):
- The stereoscopic rendering will be either enabled automatically when using the WebVR Plugin and calling the enterVR() action ...
... or by manually changing these new settings:
- The "display.stereo" settings can be true or false.
- The "display.stereooverlap" settings defines the left/right overlapping (in the range 0.0 to 1.0 - 0.0=no overlapping, 1.0=full overlapping).
Pre-Release Notes:
- In stereo rendering mode only distorted image hotspots will be available (no non-distorted hotspots, no textfield hotspots, no polygonal hotspots).
- In stereo rendering mode the hotspots are only reacting to onover/onout events (no ondown, onup, onclick by mouse or touch).
3D Hotspots
- For navigation / interaction inside a VR pano / tour the usage of hotspots would be the best choose. Especially on mobile devices as there is no other input method like a keyboard or mouse available there.
To provide more possibilities here, krpano supports a new
setting for hotspots to set the 'stereoscopic 3d depth' of the hotspot (default=1000). -
Additionally the hotspots can be moved/translated freely in 3d space by the new
hotspot settings. -
For rotation in 3d space the already available
hotspot settings can be used.
VR Cursor
- The WebVR Plugin provides the possibility to use any custom hotspot as VR Cursor.
That cursor hotspot will be displayed automatically above all other hotspots at the center of the screen
and act as cursor / pointer.
The styling of the hotspot itself (like some custom animations) can be setup and controlled with the
normal hotspot attributes and krpano possibilities.
- The stereoscopic 3D depth of the cursor will be automatically adjusted to match the 3D depth of other hotspot when hovering them. This makes it eaiser to focus hotspots with different depths.
- When the cursor will be over other hotspots, the onover and onout events of that hotspot itself and additionally also the vr_cursor_onover, vr_cursor_onout events will be called. This could be used to implement an automatic clicking when hovering a hotspots for some time. This way existing tours with hotspot navigation could be used without the need for updating/adapting.
- To make the usage of VR easier, a lot of the above described functionality is packed into a single xml file. With it would be only necessary to include that webvr.xml file for adding more advanced/complete VR support to a pano or tour.
The webvr.xml provides:
- An automatic detection if WebVR or MobileVR is available.
- An EnterVR / ExitVR button.
- For mobile VR - a 'Setup VR' button with a setup / settings screen for changing several device / VR related settings. Including lens distortion presets for several different VR headsets.
- The automatic loading and saving of the VR settings.
- A VR cursor with an automatic time-out-based clicking and a timing animation.
- And an automatic hiding of all non-VR screen elements when entering the VR mode.
Why a Pre-Release?
- There are also several non-VR related features that are planed for the final 1.19 version that aren't ready yet.
- The distorted hotspot rendering via WebGL (currently only enabled in Stereo-rendering mode) isn't fully implemented yet (alignment, click/touch events, event flow, children hotspots, ...).
- The lens distortion for mobile VR will be currently simulated by the krpano internal fisheye distortion. This has the advantage of being a fast one-pass rendering, but also the disadvantage of limited correction possibilities (e.g. no chromatic aberration correction). For further versions there are plans to add also an additional post-processing distortion/chromatic-aberration correction step.
- The design/layout of the default templates still need to be adapted for VR support.
- There is no tools/droplet support for handling the input of stereoscopic images yet. The usage of stereoscopic images need to be set-up manually in the xml at the moment.
- The krpano webpage and the documentation aren't updated for VR yet.
- But beside these still-in-work things, the pre-release version itself should be stable and ready to use.
With these new features and possibilities, the krpano VR support should be a pretty good overall solution for experiencing panoramic images and videos in VR on the web. VR can be really a great added value to panoramic imaging.
Have fun with it!
Best regards,