How can I make a little planet intro ?

  • Often I see tours that start with a "fly in" little planet intro - it's a great effect, but how is it done ?

    I can start with the view zoomed out in little planet view, and fly-in etc, but how do I automatically get it switch it back to normal view ?


  • use this:

    <view hlookat ="-177.807361"
    vlookat ="90.000000"
    camroll ="0.000000"
    fov ="150.000000"
    fovmin ="50.550680"
    fovmax ="150.000000"
    maxpixelzoom ="1.000000"
    limitfov ="true"
    fisheye ="1.00"
    stereographic ="true"
    architectural ="0.0"
    limitview ="auto"
    hlookatmin ="NaN"
    hlookatmax ="NaN"
    vlookatmin ="NaN"
    vlookatmax ="NaN"

    and this

    <krpano version="1.0.8" onstart="wait(blend); action(intro)">

    and this

    <action name="intro">
    tween(view.hlookat, 0, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.vlookat, -20, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.fov, 80, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.fisheyefovlink, .3, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.fisheye, 0.33, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);
    tween(view.architectural, .35, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);


    may need to tweak them to fir your application.

  • It's not working in my tour :(

    What did i wrong?

  • I'm rehashing this topic...

    the intro works fine, and the tout does too, but when i come back to the start-pamo, i'm in fisheye-mode. Do i need 2 seperate xmls for the first pano? one for the start, and one for a later comeback, which leaves out the intro?

    edit: yes, it works with 2 xmls, but maybe it's possible, to get out of fisheye-mode in the first pano?

    And i've got another question:

    is it possible, to let the little planet turn around slowly until a button is pressed to start the intro, like it is now?

    Edited 2 times, last by Socke (August 19, 2010 at 10:48 PM).

  • hmm, noone?

    regarding the first question, maybe something is possible with the "normalview" switch?

    and regarding the second one, is it possible to simply let the planet be on autorotate, until the button on an infoscreen is pressed?

    I guess, both is possible, but i dunno how. I frickled around with it, but no usefull results *cry*

  • because the action is onstart all you have to do is give the pano something to do before that. when reloading the first pano add a dummy action that sets a parameter to something it already is. becuase that action is running when the first pano is reloaded it will not fire off again. i used an action to set the details to 32 to override the onstart when reloading.

    another way would be to use a plugin variable and an IF statement.

    <plugin name=LPswitch>

    at the end of your onstart action use - set(plugin[lpswitch].uselp,2); that will change the state of the plugin to 2.

    then use an IF statement. IF lpswitch=1 run if lpswitch=2 don't.

    this isnt the right syntax obviosly but im just trying to share my thoughts without enought time to figure it all out.

  • thanks a lot, i just got it going on my own, but i guess, there's a lot of optimization-potential...

    i use onstart=" action(Intro-Start);

    <actionname="Intro-Start"> set(plugin[Intro-Start].visible,true);tween(plugin[Intro-Start].alpha,1.0,1.5, default);</action> 
    <actionname="Intro-Start-off"> tween(plugin[Intro-Start].alpha,0.0,1.5, default,WAIT);set(plugin[Intro-Start].visible,false);action(intro);</action>  
    <plugin name="Intro-Start"        url="%SWFPATH%/skin/intro-start.png"        align="center"        zorder="1"        alpha="0"        onclick="Intro-Start-off();"        />

    action(intro) is the old intro-sequence from above, where i set tween(view.fisheye, 0.0, 1.0, easeInOutQuad);
    and dropped the fisheyefovlink setting, to get rid of the fisheye, so i only need 1 xml.

    probleme now only is, that if i come back to that scene, the intro starts again, and that's, where your help comes handy *thumbup*

    Hope, i'll finish this soon *sleeping*

  • because the action is onstart all you have to do is give the pano something to do before that. when reloading the first pano add a dummy action that sets a parameter to something it already is. becuase that action is running when the first pano is reloaded it will not fire off again. i used an action to set the details to 32 to override the onstart when reloading.

    Could you post a short example, how you do that?

  • hmm, ok, i got it working like in this example


    when i return to the start-pano, i'm still in fishmodeview, because the view-settings from above are in use.

    i tried to set the view-settings in the intro-start action behind the if-clause, but i guess, i'm doing it wrong:

    <action name="setupStart">
    if(startPano == start,set(firstStart,true););
    if(firstStart == true,action(Intro-Start););
    if(startPano != start,action(noIntro););

    <action name="noIntro">
    set(view.hlookat, 0);
    set(view.vlookat, -20);
    set(view.fov, 80);
    set(view.fisheyefovlink, .5);
    set(view.fisheye, 0.0);


    now the funny thing is: if i come back bei map-link, i get the whole intro with waiting-screen, like if i start for the first time. If i come back bei normal hotspot-link, i only get the intro part, zooming in fisheye-mode from the last position...

    Both is wrong ^^

    i guess, i'll go back to 2 seperate xml-files *cry*

  • Hello Mahmoudi

    Your code is wrong.
    The little planet code given by VN2009 is right, the problem is that
    1- you dont know how call a action
    2- with several panos you need make scene by scene but when you have just one you dont need scene on your code.
    I tested on my server and is OK.
    You can make that way.

    <krpano version="" title="VirtualTour" onstart="wait(blend); intro();">

    <action name="intro">
    tween(view.hlookat, 0, 2.5, easeInOutQuad ); wait(3); tween(view.vlookat, -20, 2.5, easeInOutQuad ); tween(view.fov, 80, 2.5, easeInOutQuad ); tween(view.fisheyefovlink, .3, 2.5, easeInOutQuad ); tween(view.fisheye, 0.33, 2.5, easeInOutQuad); tween(view.architectural, .35, 2.5, easeInOutQuad); wait(5); set(display.flash10,on); tween(display.details,32); set(display.stillquality,HIGH); set(display.stillquality10,HIGH); tween(view.fovmax,120);

    <!-- set skin settings: bingmaps? gyro? -->
    <skin_settings bingmaps="false" bingmaps_key="" bingmaps_zoombuttons="false"
    tooltips_thumbs="true" tooltips_hotspots="true" tooltips_mapspots="false"

    <view hlookat ="-177.807361"
    vlookat ="90.000000"
    camroll ="0.000000"
    fov ="150.000000"
    fovmin ="50.550680"
    fovmax ="150.000000"
    maxpixelzoom ="1.000000"
    limitfov ="true"
    fisheye ="1.00"
    stereographic ="true"
    architectural ="0.0"
    limitview ="auto"
    hlookatmin ="NaN"
    hlookatmax ="NaN"
    vlookatmin ="NaN"
    vlookatmax ="NaN"

    <preview url="panos/marrocos1.tiles/preview.jpg" />

    <cube url="panos/marrocos1.tiles/pano_%s.jpg" />
    <cube url="panos/marrocos1.tiles/mobile_%s.jpg" />


  • hi and thanks for your response ...

    do you tell me how can I call an action ...

    thanks ...
    best regard ...

    hi and thanks for your response ...

    do you tell me how can I call an action ...

    thanks ...
    best regard ...

    hi and thanks for your response ...

    do you tell me how can I call an action ...

    thanks ...
    best regard ...

    I left everything ready in the above code. *thumbsup*

    onstart="wait(blend); intro();">

  • Hi, i have try to use the VN2009 code, but i receive this message when i load the pano:

    WARNING: Locally not trusted - ExternalInterface NOT available!
    ERROR: no parent "skin_thumb_0" found

    If i remove the little planet code the error disappears.
    What i can do?


  • Hallo grollaz,

    hast du dein Problem schon gelöst?

    Habe heute auch das Problem gehabt, dass ein Little Planet Intor mit vtourskin nicht richtig funktioniert. Es wird immer der Fehler ERROR: no parent "skin_thumb_0" found gebracht.

    Bei mir funktioniert es so:

    onstart="wait(blend); intro();

    <action name="startup"> entfernen

    <action name="intro">

    if(startscene === null, copy(startscene,scene[0].name));
    loadscene(get(startscene), null, MERGE);

    tween(view.hlookat, 0, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.vlookat, -20, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.fov, 80, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.fisheyefovlink, .3, 2.5, easeInOutQuad );
    tween(view.fisheye, 0.33, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);
    tween(view.architectural, .35, 2.5, easeInOutQuad);

    <view hlookat ="-177.807361"
    vlookat ="90.000000"
    camroll ="0.000000"
    fov ="150.000000"
    fovmin ="50.550680"
    fovmax ="150.000000"
    maxpixelzoom ="1.000000"
    limitfov ="true"
    fisheye ="1.00"
    stereographic ="true"
    architectural ="0.0"
    limitview ="auto"
    hlookatmin ="NaN"
    hlookatmax ="NaN"
    vlookatmin ="NaN"
    vlookatmax ="NaN"

    Gruß sarron

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