Yet another editor...

  • Hi

    New plugin is being developed. Want to get first impressions and see how interested you will be to use it, if it will become available for you.

    List of features:
    - Add image hotspot (When clicked it open image with adapted size due to screen size taking aspect rate in consideration)
    - Add Link to scene hotspot (similar like in Krpano editor)
    - Add video hotspot (similar like for image hotspots)
    - Move hotspots
    - Delete Hotspots
    - Save hotspots (tour.xml code saved with all new, moved, deleted hotspots)
    (You can see it here:

    - Create autotour (you can start on scene you like, add points on the scene you want to be zoomed in/out, add images you want to be displayed when autotour running, go to next scene....When done you can SAVE automatically generated xml code definitions needed for Autotour player.
    - Test autotour (for testing the autotour while still in the editor mode)
    (You can see it here:

    Plan is also to have droplet which will integrate editor in your tour with no coding needed.
    Listed videos are just preview purposes, in low quality to get feeling how easy to use it will be. It is not final and all details included presentation....

  • Hi
    I always wondered why there was no KRPano autotour plugin, while lot of people would be very happy to have a "play button" to start an autotour, as they do in youtube to watch a video.

    Several years ago, I was using Tourweaver (V2 or 3 ?) to build VTours, and this software included an "autotour option" like a timeline.

    So my answer is YES, I AM VERY INTERESTED IN THIS PLUGIN ! *thumbsup*

    For the hotspot editor, as I am using Panotour, it is less interesting to me...

    Thanks Umalo !

  • I have had the opportunity to play with this plugin and its amazing!

    I've been working on a huge tour at Burghley House (which you can see below if you're interested) and I have needed to add 40-60 hotspots to each room. I had been so painful before moving my mouse over the position, writing down the coordinate and then typing it into my tour.xml file. What had taken me an hour now with this plugin (discovered on my last room) takes just minutes. Not only does it write the coordinates straight into the xml file though, it asks me which image I want linking to the hotspot and links it up... simply brilliant!

    There has been a real need for a plugin like this and thankfully Umalo is bringing something of great value to the table.

    Burghley Virtual Tour -…use/staterooms/

  • Very Nice Umalo
    Yes would use; very intuitive, only question is how will hotspots work on phones/tablets; scaling is a bit of an issue and of course mobile device is the growth area/reason for upgrades.

    Add a more elegant looking multi-level drop down menu editor (I remove the bottom thumbnail navigation in mine) and you'll have it cracked!
    Cheers and thanks again.
    Peter *smile*

  • Peter what do you mean hotspots are an issue on mobile devices, mine work fine as you can see in the link below. This tool is just for placing your hotspots if you have many in a room.

    Drop down editor? Do you mean you want the app to make you a drop down menu for the tour? That's something totally different to what this is aimed at. I don't think it's meant to be an all in one editor, just a great plugin you enable for editing then save it and remove this plugin.

    I think it's pretty perfect. Thanks again

  • Hi Umalo,

    Good job!
    For me personally the autotour generator can be very conveniant.
    Is there still a lot to do for you? Or do you plan to release/sell soon!


    Tuur *thumbsup*

  • A great plugin !!

    This plugin is made up of two components namely;

    Hotspot editor:
    This hotspot editor has more extensive capabilities as the krpano's tour_editor.
    Add a photo or video in a very easy way to your tour.
    For the locations of the hotspot, no longer write the coordinates on paper and type in the xml file,
    and simply click the photo or video.
    A recommendation for every krpano user from beginner to professional,
    because this means a huge time saver to quickly apply these hotspots.
    Without knowledge of xml language.
    A great asset for all krpano users, thanks for this hotspot editor, Umalo.

    Autotour Creator:
    A automatic tour of this kind format is formerly unthinkable!
    Andrey Sudarchikov has created a timer autotour,
    this means plays the first 10 seconds of each panorama and then load the following panorama and so on.

    But Umalo created a kind of record en play function, that we every detail in all panoramas can be shown and even pictures can be displayed.
    A great way to present your tour, especially to pay attention on the many details that have to be discovered in the tour initially.
    Without knowledge of xml language.
    A great asset for all krpano users, thanks for this Autotour Creator, Umalo.

    Two formidable tools in one plugin is a great asset for all users of krpano.
    Personally I will definitely use this plugin because you save a lot of time.
    Your virtual tours look this way proffesioneler with photo's and video's and present your tour with autotour.
    I think for such a kind of plugin have krpano users money left to pay!

    Thank you very much for present your great plugin, Umalo.


    Wilsan *thumbsup*

  • Hi,
    It sounds like a very promising plugin. It would be nice if we could "play" with it, maybe with watermarks or no saving options.

    What kind of code does it generate?
    Did I miss something or is there no polygonal hotspots?
    What about hotspots transformations (rotate, scale)?

    All the best with this plugin!

  • Hi all.
    Thanks for your feedback. Entering final stage of testing and have one question: Does anybody know how to make voting poll ? *confused*
    Wanted to ask how many of you need MacOS droplet? I planed to deliver droplets for windows machines only but some of you already asked me if it will be available also for MacOS, so please drop me a reply with MacOS +1 in case you really need it.

  • Yes ,very interesting.

    Edited 2 times, last by Tanate: I do not need the program to woke on Mac , I normally use krpano on PC. However I do hope that it is html5 compatible.and can show proper in ipad iphone. (June 28, 2015 at 1:39 AM).

  • It will not be included in first release. As I am already receiving proposals for new features I will include yours too in the backlog list. Generally in Editor you can change style of the hotspot you want to add via easy xml settings. If you have your own lansflare style than it can be used for placing lansflares too.

    You have new plugin related to lansflares already in the list of Krpano pluigns:

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