Thanks Umalo
Yet another editor...
Request for approval sent to Klaus.
I expect it soon to be listed in the plugin section.
Teaser: Autotour example created with this plugin (+just a few customised lines of code) at one amazing projects I had chance to work on (1600+ rendered images of the house) -
Nice work Anton, look forward to seeing it on the list.
It is online from now on: -
bought it!!
Thx. Hope you will find this as good investment for specific projects and could share your feedback when with community when you will get used to it ;)
In your previous post (now edited) you asked about is is possilble to have tooltip automatically created.
Good point. Will be included in the list of new potential features of the plugin.
Thought about it during project implementation, and decided it is easier for user to open hotspot_tooltip_data file and add new row with tooltip data for new hotspot, as anyway exact data to be displayed onhover over hotspots is to be customized manually by the user.
While this is not possible to be done fully automatic (user need to type what tooltip is anyway) this is not supported. Maybe in the future, we will see.Have send you PM request, to send me detailed request via mail, to be sure on what you want in details.
A automatic tour of this kind format is formerly unthinkable!
But Umalo created a kind of record en play function, that we every detail in all panoramas can be shown and even pictures can be displayed.
A great way to present your tour, especially to pay attention on the many details that have to be discovered in the tour initially.
Without knowledge of xml language.
A great asset for all krpano users but also a great view for the customers.See the example: Virtual- and autotour first composite lock gates
There are three bolpanorama's photographed (on the same location) and of this is a virtual tour created.
With photo hotspots, thumbnails, Bing maps, location, photo gallery and with WebVR info button.
At the top left of the screen is a play button, this we start the built-in automatic Tour.
Click on this link start the virtual- and autotour.Make from this Autotour a Video and see the result.........
Click on this link work Umalo.
Regards, Wilsan
Video created from Autotour click here
Panorama point Bayonet lock III - construction work new lock Tilburg.
In one and a half years time I gone to the panorama point and have photographed on different time points during the construction works (wilhelminakanaal Tilburg),There are four time moments photographed namely:
May 25, 2014 - 4 August 2014 - 7 February 2015 and August 10, 2015.
Shown a list from year and a half of construction work on the new lock.This virtual Video Tour is made of a 360 degrees virtual tour created with the plugin Hotspot and autotour creator.
You can also play in the 360 degree virtual tour the autotour through the 'play' button.
Curious click here and take a look around the 360 virtual tour 'Panorama point Bayonet lock III construction work new lock Tilburg'.Regards,
Wilsan -
Thanks wilsan
for your support during plugin development. I am sure others would like to see real examples of plugin usage other than one provided by the author. That's why I find your posts, links, examples as very valuable for plugin current and future users.
General note: I have received many examples and good proposals on how to make plugin even better with future updates. I am open for any idea and proposal. Please use my mail to address them directly.
Hope to see also other links of live online examples using this plugin also posted here....regards
Umalo -
Hi Umalo,
Can you tell me how you made the autotour video?
I have making videos with screenshot software to capture my autotours. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of jitter in the tour as it pans around. So I have had to set the speed of rotation so very very slow to capture decent videos of an autotour.
This is a regular request from my customers (create autotour video). I am very interested in getting a full solution from autotour creation to clean, jitter free, video. From what I can see, you seem to have the perfect solution.Thanks,
BTW... bought it!
Video is captured by 3rd party software. I think you need powerfull PC, good video card and little bit adapting video capturing settings to have good results. Once you find right setup you store this as your custom settings and use it every time. Now I don't know exact settings but I remember I spend some hours on setting it up to have nice result.
Thanks Tony, if you would need more detailed help don't hesitate to come back....try playing with settings from your tool, this is the best porposal I can give not knowing your OS, configuration, Card, and tool used.
Umalo -
Hi Umalo,
Three things that will help me real quick.
I want to remove the zoomto function when changing scenes.
I want to be able to change the rotation speed of the autotour when moving from point to point.
I want to be able to change the speed of zoom to a single point (hopefully it is separate from zoom to scene).
Can you help with locating these setting in the xml.
Tony -
This is easy to be adaped by global settings via file: settings.xml
More details about it you can read here:
E.g. If you don't want zoomin out you set same number in this two settings:
allscene_fov ="100"
allscene_fovmin ="100" -
I'm using Camtasia Studio 8, What do you use?
Computer is pretty good, but admittedly a bit old. Viewing tours and other things show fine, it's just capturing krpano tours that are autorotating seem to jitter unless I slow the rotation speed. That includes zooming in automatically.
After I capture the tour, I later will speed up the video in post.
8 core AMD
16 Gigs Ram 1333mhz
4 GB AMD 6990 Video
My biggest problem is probably AMD :) , I have a newer i7 in the States, but that doesn't help me here. -
Remember that with Camtasia I had to adjust settings a lot. Similar configurtion with Intel I5 should work fine. Maybe other user have other tools experience while you try to setup your....maybe something like reducing framerate if I remember correctly, without sound capturing (try some adjustments in this direction). For sure default settings from Camtasia didn't work just like that?
Having some trouble with saves and add image. I've watched all the videos and read through most of instructions but can't find my mistake.
Windows 10
Chrome Browser
Server RunningAutoTour > Create New
Startscene 01
"Show Image" has no effect when I click the button.
"Add New Point" works fine.
"Load New Scene" works fine.
When I click "Done" and "Preview" - I get a nice preview of the tour. All seems good (except no images).
When I click "Save To File" - nothing happens. The new "autotour - definition" file does not show in the bottom of the browser window and does not 'download'.
If I repeat the process, and I don't preview... instead I go straight to "Save to File" - nothing happens
What could be wrong?
Tony -
Having some trouble with saves and add image. I've watched all the videos and read through most of instructions but can't find my mistake.
Windows 10
Chrome Browser
Server RunningAutoTour > Create New
Startscene 01
"Show Image" has no effect when I click the button.
"Add New Point" works fine.
"Load New Scene" works fine.
When I click "Done" and "Preview" - I get a nice preview of the tour. All seems good (except no images).
When I click "Save To File" - nothing happens. The new "autotour - definition" file does not show in the bottom of the browser window and does not 'download'.
If I repeat the process, and I don't preview... instead I go straight to "Save to File" - nothing happens
What could be wrong?
BTW.. as for the images.. I did put them in the templates /xml/images folder before i created the tour. -
BTW.. as for the images.. I did put them in the templates /xml/images folder before i created the tour.
Hmm.. nevermind.. I think it was my fault. I removed your 3 default images. That seems to have thrown an error message and may have been the root cause. After replacing the 3 images, I started over again. All seems to work fine now. -
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