I'd like to add a little animation to a layer. The animation will be very simple, just a scale and scale.
I'd liket o use Tween option, but is doesn't work.
Someone can help me to add the Tween option to a layer ?
I'd like to add a little animation to a layer. The animation will be very simple, just a scale and scale.
I'd liket o use Tween option, but is doesn't work.
Someone can help me to add the Tween option to a layer ?
what did you write so far?
Here is my code :
<layer name="glaceannou" url="images/glaceannou.png" align="topleft" x="10" y="10" style="tooltip" tooltip="Intégrez votre Mascotte" keep="true" onclick="flyin(zoom-mascotte);" onlaoded="execute(beat-spots)" />
<action name="beat-spots">
I'd like to scale and unscale the layer with a delay and in loop mode ....
Remove ',default' from tween
And you are tweening scale to 1.0 wich is default, try chane that to e.g. 0.8
Done but no result ....
the tween should now work but it's possible that you don't see the transition but diffrence in size must be noticeable.
This action only happens once, when loaded.
Hi Shura,
Thanks for example but it doesn't work.
Here is my code :
<layer name="glaceannou2" url="images/glaceannou.png" align="middle" x="10" y="10" scale="1.0" onclick="flyin(zoom-mascotte);" onloaded="beatspots();" onover="tween(alpha,0.5);" onout="tween(alpha,1.0);"
<action name="beatspots">
tween(layer[glaceannou2].alpha,0.5,1.0);<!-- 0.5 - target scale, 2 - time -->
Here the OnOver and OnOut effect are working fine. No probleme.
But the OnLaod action don't work ...
Ok I'v got it :
Here is my code :
<layer name="glaceannou2" url="images/glaceannou.png" align="middle" x="10" y="10" scale="1.0" onclick="flyin(zoom-mascotte);" onover="tween(alpha,0.5);" onout="tween(alpha,1.0);" />
<action name="beatspotsOn">
tween(layer[glaceannou2].scale,2,1,true);<!-- 0.5 - target scale, 2 - time -->
delayedcall(1.0, beatspotsOff() );
<action name="beatspotsOff">
tween(layer[glaceannou2].scale,1,1,true);<!-- 0.5 - target scale, 2 - time -->
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The onstart was missing that's why the animation couldn't work.
Now how can I use the Loop Mode ?
So here is th esolution for Loop Mode :
<action name="beatspotsOn">
delayedcall(5.0,tween(layer[glaceannou].scale, 1.2, 0.5, default, tween(layer[glaceannou].scale, 1, 0.5, default, beatspotsOn() ) ));
<layer name="glaceannou" url="images/glaceannou.png" align="topleft" x="10" y="10" tooltip="Intégrez votre Mascotte" keep="true" onclick="flyin(zoom-mascotte);" onover="tween(alpha,0.5);" onout="tween(alpha,1.0);" />
The layer animation will start after 5 secondes.
The layer is scalling from 100% to 120% for 1seconde, then the layer is scalling down from 120% to 100% for 1seconde.
The animation is looping !!!
Hope it could help some of you !
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