Blend or Merge Options...

  • Hi.. I have some code that work well but.. The Blend between panos is a flick, not a nice Merge between the two..

    I have tried a few options from this forum but nothing seems to work..

    Does anyone have any ideas on adding code to my code to allow for a better Blend between panos.. I need it to go from pano 15 to pano 16...

    <action name="step6">
    lookto(get(panoview.h), get(panoview.v), get(panoview.fov), smooth(100,50,20));
    delayedcall(0, step7() );

    Thank you


    Sometimes I might come across as being stupid; But I have an IQ of 137 *tongue*

  • Hi Tuur...

    Thank you for your input. I already tried that code option but I could not get the blend to work.. It still jumps to the next pano.. I tried a variation of the code, mixing it around and merging lines...

    I am beginning to think that my load next pano code is not right.. But that works fine..

    I will just keep playing around with it.. See how I go...


    <action name="step6">
    set(ptblendmode, 'BLEND(2, easeInCubic)');
    lookto(get(panoview.h), get(panoview.v), get(panoview.fov), smooth(100,50,20));
    delayedcall(0, step7() );

    Sometimes I might come across as being stupid; But I have an IQ of 137 *tongue*

  • Hi.. Using other code below, I get the Blend to the next pano working fine but I cannot use that code since I have a delay in my project..


    lookto(-38.250000, 65.700000, 90.000000, smooth(100,50,20));


    lookto(27.900000, 28.800000, 90.000000, smooth(100,50,20));

    Everything works fine with my current code, except for the transition blend.. At the moment I also have to endure the white flash between panos, but that is the krpano viewer which should be fixed soon, I hope..

    This is a dummy test using the above code in action.. The transition to the next pano works as you can see, but.. not so easy to get it to work with my current code...


    Sometimes I might come across as being stupid; But I have an IQ of 137 *tongue*

  • arrr, Yes! I see that now. I wondered how that basic code actually worked.. I kept thinking.. How on earth does that work etc.. However, it still does not fix my issue.. But now I can see the linked code, I can tinker with it.. There is probably a very easy fix but I need to find it...

    Thank you


    Sometimes I might come across as being stupid; But I have an IQ of 137 *tongue*

  • Hi!

    Does this white flash occur on other tours you made or just when you're trying to use this "autotour" code?

    Visually it seems that there's some excessive white layer which is turned visible/invisible for some reason. The background behind the pano is onviously black as it normally is. Or maybe the "preview" images are missing?

    Btw, what do guys from PTP forum say about this?



  • The White Flash is a known issue on the krpano side.. Its apparently on the to be fixed list.. I do not know all there is to know about it..

    I have had no comment on the PTP side... They are GUI orientated where as krpano is code orientated. That is why I cam here.. My issue is code..


    Sometimes I might come across as being stupid; But I have an IQ of 137 *tongue*

  • Hi!
    perhaps i understand incorrect your "white flash, while transition" but
    if you mean that "white flash" blink while blend/transition, then it happening if you set wmode=opague or tnasparent in html5 mode
    If remove wmode settings for html5 then blend become normal, without white blink/flash

    Hope it helps

  • Hi Andrey.. Thank you for your suggestion.. I have already been down that path. That was fix I used in the old days..

    The thing is, there is no wmode written into my html page since that is a Flash option and not html5... My test Tour is HTMl 5.. I am sure Klaus will find a fix for this issue in the next krpano release..


    Sometimes I might come across as being stupid; But I have an IQ of 137 *tongue*

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