Hi, I am not very technical but I am very close to solving my problem just need a bit more help please! I have spent so many hours on this that I just don't know what to do, but I think for everyone here it will be simple.
I have a menu screen with 3 different scenes which you can enter when you click/gaze.
For each scene I have this audio plugin, which I want a different sound to load when the new scene is opened.
In the main .xml file I need to put something like:
<scene name="scene_1" ... onstart="playHtml5sound2D(keep, name,
audiofile, rate*, volume*,loops*, onload*,
onplay*,onpause*,onstop*,onmute*, oncomplete*);" ...>
but I don't really understand this format. What does the "..." mean in that code? I don't understand what to put for "name" because I have just "Commentary1" as the name of the audio for scene 1 - do I put that? But then in the "audiofile" part I need to put audiofile="assets/Commentary1"?
Can someone please just help me to understand how to write the line of code so that for scene 1, Commentary1 loads. For scene 2, Commentary2 loads up etc.
Thank you so much.
Here is my attempt at the code is this correct:
<scene name="scene_1" onstart="playHtml5sound2D(keep="true", name="Commentary1",
audiofile="assets/Commentary1", rate="1.0", volume="1.0",loops="false">
<scene name="scene_2" onstart="playHtml5sound2D(keep="true", name="Commentary2",
audiofile="assets/Commentary2", rate="1.0", volume="1.0",loops="false">
but it loads up an xml parsing error.
Can someone please help me here?