I have searched quite a long time, but feel myself getting more stupid by the minute.
I am trying to adjust HTML5-WebGL panos for brightness/contrast/gamma. I am perfectly able to achieve this on a new canvas (appendchild, or <canvas />), copying current pano, applying filters and showing them in the new canvas, but would like to apply those to the current pano of course.
Every time I think I am on the right track, with terms like 'pingpong rendering', 'swapping', even using three.js, I get lost again.
There are loads of examples out there, applying filters to a stored image or video, but how would I do this dynamically to the actual (pano)canvas?
I found the thread about WebGL createPostProcessingShader where Klaus mentions (and gives hints about) the upcoming sharpening filter, would that be the way to go? And is there a working example available?
WebGL createPostProcessingShader returns null