I have krPano setup that plays 360 videos, who generally are lowres to allow for bandwidth over Mobile.
I also have frames every 5secs at very highres.
I now want to change my krPano player, that every time the player pauses, a loading bar is displayed, the nearest highres frame is loaded, and when loaded, displayed. Whenever the play butten is played again, the krPano switches immediately back to the video (and removes the highres frame from memory), and plays the video again.
I looked at the stereoscopic krpano example, and using external events, a front video player CSS is made invisible, to reveal another krpano instance in the back which is loading the highres frames. This however is great to immediately get the video to play again when the play button is pressed. But Two krpano instances take up more memory and cpu usage, and I now want to reduce this to one player only.
Is there an example out there that did this before? Has anyone done this? Can someone shed some pointers/hints on doing this?