I've got 4 tours that are linked together; main.xml, a7002.xml, c5006.xml and c8001.xml. Main links to each of the 3 other XML's, and they all link back to main.
I move back/forth between the various tours using loadpanoscene - and so far so good. The problem is that the hotspots defined in the XML files (the 3 "children") only works the first time - i.e. I go from main.xml to one of the 3 and it works, then I go back to main.xml and into e.g. the same tour (doesn't matter which I choose) - and when I get there the hotspots that used to be present are no longer visible. They are apparently there, because if I loop through the hotspot array, they exist, are enabled, visible and have alpha=1.
I have tried sooo many things, but I can't for the life of me understand why this doesn't work.
Before going into all the minute details of this - should this work ?