I use krpano with the Bing maps plugin and vtourskin. vtourskin.xml has the following global settings:
<skin_settings maps="false" maps_type="bing" maps_bing_api_key="" maps_google_api_key="" maps_zoombuttons="false" ...
In the local XML-File merano.xml, 6 scenes are defined with these local skin settings:
<skin_settings url.flash="../plugins/bingmaps.swf" maps="true" maps_type="bing" bingmaps="true" maps_bing_api_key="...key..." lat="46.706330" lng="11.176903" maps_zoombuttons="true" zoom="15" ...
Calling the Bing map, the map is centered and all 6 markers are shown, but with a really low and bad zoom level. Not 15 as wanted.
What settings are wrong which settings I have to choose?
PS: Everything works if I change some settings for the Google maps plugin. But it should work with Bing maps!
Thank you.