i just built a 36gigapixel image and now i am slicing it.
been 12hours now and it is at
krpano makepano tool 1.19-pr16 - 64bit (build 2018-04-04)
- using config: vtour-multires.config
processing - 2019.08.03 17.40.41 DSC03691 Panorama-1
- converting sphere to cube format...
1/7 loading... 66%
when i look at system performance (i am writing this in the same pc and i got no issues at all) it takes only 12%cpu and 421mb RAM (although it might be leaking because the overall system shows 6.1gb in use)
i have i7 with 8 cores and 16gb ram
disks are "sleeping"
the 12% seems to me 100 / 8 = 12.5% and would mean 1 cpu but, when i look at the cpu occupation graph one of them is clearly more busy than the others (<- just edited this info from original post)
i'd like this to go faster
is there some setting?
the config is the standard one. i just changed the temp folder.
i'm using the multiresvtour droplet
thank you for your help
Rui Pedro