• Ever wondered about a tour without hotspots, more clear, no need to mess your panoramas with arrows, allow your users to freely explore the content, so here it's the navigator plugin

    That plugins allow users the freely navigate around your tours created in everpano 3D, by just clicking over the panorama, if the plugin detects that in that direction there's some panorama it will perform a transition to the next panorama, if not it will perform a movement in order to indicate user that there's no way in that direction.

    That would be the main behaviour, and for using it like this, you do not even need to buy a license, a free simplified version is already included with the software.

    But if you want to go further and set all the details like the angle tolerance or the speed of the transition, or if you want to toggle from walking or jumping mode, you will need to have a navigator pro license that you can get here

    There is a very powerful behaviour in the plugin for those who want to customize everything in every detail, it is the return mode.

    modeReturn = "true"

    with return mode you can use the plugin just to callback your very own actions in krpano, and so you can code how you want the tour to perform.

    You need to specify an attribute some attributes

    modeReturn = "true"
    returnAction = "sceneFound"
    returnNotFoundAction = "sceneNotFound"

    So when user clicks on the pano the plugin would not make nothing but only calling your defined actions passing some arguments. In the case of having found a pano is going to give 2 parameters, the name of the scene and the distance to arrive there ( so you can play with speed variable )
    And in the case any pano is found, then it will only receive a single parameter with the position values from current and destination position. The amount of distance in that case is determined by the attribute notFoundMove so here the speed will always be stable.

    And here some demo actions code :

    <action name="sceneFound" > 
    debug('we have found %1 at a distance of %2'); 
    loadscene(%1, null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING, BLEND(0.5)); 
    set(events.onviewloaded, null); 
    set(events.onkeydown, stoptween(view.tx|view.ty|view.tz);set(events.onkeydown,null); ); 
    tween(view.tx|view.ty|view.tz, calc('' + image.ox + '|' + image.oy + '|' + image.oz), 2, default, set(events.onkeydown,null);

    <action name="sceneNotFound" > 
    debug('no scene was found, current location is x:', p0x,' z:',p0z,' and click point is x:',p1x,' z:', p1z); 
    tween(view.tx|view.tz, calc(p1x + '|' + p1z) ,0.3, default,tween(view.tx|view.tz, calc( p0x + '|' + p0z) ,0.3, default));

    Additionally you have those 2 callback action for a VR behaviour.

    I have large plans for this plugin as it can handle many interesting things, so please go ahead test it, ask me about anything, and suggest me any feature you will like to see in it.

    You can find all the documentation for the plugin here

    Kind regards

  • Hi Jordi

    Great Plugin!

    We just need a standalone version of that Plugin because we do "synthetic panoramas" aka "renderings" and its mutch easier for us to model the "depthmodel" with our own 3d-software instead of everpano.
    Will you provide it as a standalone Plugin as well?

    Kind regards

  • Hi Jordi

    Great Plugin!

    We just need a standalone version of that Plugin because we do "synthetic panoramas" aka "renderings" and its mutch easier for us to model the "depthmodel" with our own 3d-software instead of everpano.
    Will you provide it as a standalone Plugin as well?

    Kind regards

    everpano publish .STL 3d files for everypano:

    1 import every .STL to 3dsmax so you can align and scale a detailed lowpoly 3dmodel
    2 export that detailed model as .STL with the same name overwriting the old one
    3 do 1st step again for each pano .STL

  • HI
    I have Everpano and I try to switch on free navigator plugin but it will be my first time I dont have experience with editing XML
    could someone help me what I should to do .
    I want tu use WASD Q Z navigate left /rigth and arrow on keyboart to rotate panorama like on the example :


    I just paste in main.xml :

    <plugin name="navigator" keep="true" devices="html5"
    leftkey = "65"
    rightkey = "68"
    forwardkey = "87"
    backwardkey = "83"
    angletolerance = "60"
    hotspotvisibility = "model"
    notfoundmove = "10"
    notfoundtime = "0.3"
    navigationmode = "jumping"
    navigationclick = "true"
    navigationspeed = "100"
    loadsceneflags = "MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING"
    loadsceneblend = "BLEND"
    loadsceneblendtime = "0.2"

    should I do something more ? some action missing?

    I have only one panorama so I dont need ?

    <action name="sceneFound" >
    debug('we have found %1 at a distance of %2');
    loadscene(%1, null, MERGE|KEEPVIEW|KEEPMOVING, BLEND(0.5));
    set(events.onviewloaded, null);
    set(events.onkeydown, stoptween(view.tx|view.ty|view.tz);set(events.onkeydown,null); );
    tween(view.tx|view.ty|view.tz, calc('' + image.ox + '|' + image.oy + '|' + image.oz), 2, default, set(events.onkeydown,null);

    <action name="sceneNotFound" >
    debug('no scene was found, current location is x:', p0x,' z:',p0z,' and click point is x:',p1x,' z:', p1z);
    tween(view.tx|view.tz, calc(p1x + '|' + p1z) ,0.3, default,tween(view.tx|view.tz, calc( p0x + '|' + p0z) ,0.3, default));

    Edited once, last by pest801a (February 10, 2021 at 9:59 PM).

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