Thanks for the great update. I have an issue with distorted video hotspots not showing in mobile or Oculus Go. Desktop and VR on desktop is okay.
I've rebuilt the tour with 1.20.1 and copy/pasted hotpsot code for the previous tour. devices is set to "all". Any idea why this might be? Thanks
<hotspot name="video_foyera" devices="all" depth="off" videourl="%SWFPATH%/videos/foyer_screen.mp4" url="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.swf" alturl="%SWFPATH%/plugins/videoplayer.js" posterurl="%SWFPATH%/images/shoponline.jpg" preload="true" distorted="true" enabled="false" width="480" height="270" ath="-81.41" atv="-22.66" edge="center" scale="0.295" rx="-6.97" ry="-12.48" rz="4.55" loop="true" pausedonstart="false" directionalsound="true" range="200" volume="0.7" onclick="togglepause();" />