On IOS 13, web pages are reloaded frequently

  • I studied for a few days and didn't solve the problem. I hope to get help.Thanks a lot.

    When the number of hotspots exceeds 80, the web page also reloads all the time.
    The type of hotspot is text.
    When embedpano, html5="css3D".It's going to be a lot better.But i want to use 'prefer+webgl'.

    In the following models:
    iOS13 iPhone 8 plus, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max
    P.S. We use the Krpano version (19.pr-16).

    <hotspot name="h12_s" style="wtkp_hotspotstyle_label_text" title="test" ></hotspot>
    <style name="wtkp_hotspotstyle_label_text" type="text" css="font-size:26px; text-align:center; color:#fff; padding:0 10px 0px 10px;font-weight:lighter;" bgcolor="0x000000" bgalpha="0.5" bgborder="0 0xFF0000 1" bgshadow="0 1 0 0x1c93fa 1" bgroundedge="22" edge="bottom"/>

    Edited 2 times, last by liuqinrui (October 28, 2019 at 7:59 AM).

  • Hi,

    the crash/reloads means the memory need is too high.

    A text-hotspot can also need a lot of memory. Internally every hotspot textfield will be converted to an image/texture and depending on the size and resolution (oversampling) a hotspot can need a noticeable amount of memory.

    You could try adding renderer="css3d" to these hotspots, then the browser is rendering these textfields by its own by using CSS-3D-transforms.

    Best regards,

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